Chapter 48 (with smut-scene)

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When Nix and Lyric arrived home, they felt the exhaustion hit them. The last two days have been stressful. Dayan had gone straight to his mate, so they were alone. They washed themselves and dragged themselves to bed. Neither of them came up with the idea of trying anything, they fell asleep immediately in each other's arms.

Finally they had time to recover and slept properly which was good for them. The whole burden of the last two and a half months had fallen off their shoulders. They had made it. Nix yawned and snuggled up to Lyric's chest. Even though they were awake, he didn't think about getting up.

Lyric laughed. "Is there anyone in need of cuddling?" the rune demon teased his beloved.

"Of course, who wouldn't want to cuddle with such a cozy pillow?" he lulled at Lyric's chest.

Lyric played with Nix' hair and kissed his crown. But he straightened up despite Nix' protests. Nix' head slipped from his chest onto his lap.

"Oh, that's what I call a greeting," Nix whispered, and shortly afterwards Lyric felt his wet tongue.

Lyric closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a moment. Hell, he's just perfect. Then he pulled Nix' head away, who growled again in protest. "We can't laze around all day," his rune demon said.

Nix saw it differently, he lounged naked on the bed and demonstratively spread his legs to show his demon what he had to offer.

Lyric growled. This demon is my doom. But the sweetest downfall.

"What is that?" Nix asked, drawing his attention to a piece of paper on the table next to the bed.

Lyric picked it up and two platinum rings fell out. These looked suspiciously like those that Lyric had received from Tori. He unfolded the paper and read aloud.

"Hello Lyric and annoying appendage,

I had a little conversation with Fate.
Let's put it this way, we won't dare to stand in the way of your happiness.
If you unite, the best case scenario will occur, I made sure of that.
So you don't have to wait anymore, you can just enjoy it.

Best regards,


PS: The platinum rings are for your annoying appendage. I expect a visit to decency in a week at the latest, after all, I am the father of the bride."

"Father of the bride? Does he mean you? Does that mean that if I take you as a mate, will this crumbler God be my father-in-law?" Nix asked, bursting into resounding laughter.

Lyric smiled and pressed the letter to his heart. Now, thanks to divine assistance, nothing stood in the way of their bond. He took the platinum rings and the letter and put it back. Then he leaned over his laughing oracle and his face became serious.

"Latíz, do you want to become my mate here and now?" Lyric asked, and without hesitation Nix replied: "Yes, of course."

Butterflies spread in Lyric's belly and he laughed with joy.

"I'm ready," Nix said, pulling Lyric to his chest. "I have been since I first saw you, Lyric."

Lyric's heart contracted. Finally, their time had come.

Lyric moved upwards so that their faces were at the same height. "Before we begin, do you want to be taken from me at the unification ritual or do you want to take me?" Lyric asked his sweetheart, leaving him the choice.

Nix laughed and said, "I would let you take the lead as the older one."

Lyric also had to grin. "All right."

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now