Chapter 13

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Lyric let Nix go first into the wash room. Images of Nix sliding the wet cloth over his body tormented the demon. Heaven, what's wrong with me? As soon as I have sex again, I become a hormone-controlled teenager? He kept grumbling.

"What's going on, you grumpy bear?" a cheeky voice asked.

His head moved in the direction and stopped. Hell. His dick jumped joyfully. Nix had nothing on. And by nothing, he meant nothing. He didn't even have the decency to wrap a cloth around his hips. Drool right away, you stupid demon.

Nix grinned when he saw Lyric's devouring expression, that's what he had intended. He wanted to have fun with Lyric again as soon as possible - as they said. The demon had awakened him and now he had to put out this fire. Even if the oracle also doubted that this would ever be the case. Well, my little flower, take what you desire.

Reluctantly, the rune demon tore himself from the view and staggered past him as best he could into the washroom. With a pouting expression, he stared at the locked door. Should I wait naked for him? He feared that this wouldn't have the desired effect if his appearance had already not brought the desired result.

Nix put on a pair of trousers - he did without underwear or a top - then he rubbed his hair dry. With a sigh, he lay down on the bed and pulled the blanket just up to his stomach, so it looked as if he would continue to wear nothing. As Nix lay there, his thoughts wandered off. It was only three days and yet so much had changed.

The rune demon had turned his life upside down and for the first time he felt that his life was not hopeless. A melody played out in his head that perfectly expressed his feelings. It was In my Room by Thousand Foot Krutch. The song conveyed hope, a new beginning for anyone who dared to take the step. He loved human bands, which is why he kept going to earth to stock up on them.

Quietly he began to hum, then words formed and filled the room in the melodic sound of his voice. When he sang, he felt free. He could say what he thought, what he felt.

Lyric stood at the door and closed his eyes. His body couldn't move. The melody got under his skin. Feelings surged - fear, sadness, loneliness. He felt a tightness that formed in his chest. Nix' voice was beautiful. Then Lyric made an unconscious movement and the ground creaked.

Immediately the voice fell silent. Damn. He left the washroom and entered the room dressed in trousers.

"Did you listen?"

Lyric was silent at first. What should he answer? The truth. He went to the oracle, whose gaze was still directed to the wall. Was he naked under the blanket? Carefully he sat down next to him and drove his fingers through his soft hair. "Your voice has a magic that captivates everyone, why should I be immune to it?"

Nix turned around and nestled in Lyric's palm. "No one has heard my voice in recent centuries. Not since-", he broke off. He didn't want to go back, he didn't want to think about the moment when the previous Nix had destroyed his life, his dreams, his desires, everything.

"That's a shame. Not even the singing of angels can keep up with your voice."

A smile spread on Nix' face. He straightened up.

So a pair of pants. The little devil has deceived me again. One hand rested on Lyric's cheek and he didn't flinch back. For the first time, he allowed a touch. He looked into ruby red eyes that shone.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now