Chapter 47

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"That came... unexpectedly," Fate said, tilting his head. He hadn't expected a suicide out of love from both sides. Nix' decision has destroyed his beautiful cobbled together scenario.

A rumble sounded behind Fate and it turned around. Behind him, the god Tori stood up, anger could be seen in his face.

"Niyati, how dare you kill my chosen one?" Tori grumbled.

"I didn't kill him. He chose suicide," Fate replied, but he knew that it wouldn't appease him. It sighed. "Why didn't you make Lyric your mate, after all, I sent him to you?" Niyati asked his old friend.

"Because his heart belongs to the man lying on his chest. I never had a chance against their love. They are two parts of a whole. Not even we gods can change that," Tori said in a sad tone.

Niyati looked at the two on the ground. Two parts of a whole, huh? The old man really came up with something.

"Well, you won." He waved his hand and the time ran backwards. The blood flowed back into the bodies of the two. Nix fell backwards and the blade pulled out of his upper body. He straightened up and Lyric followed him. The shackle closed again around Nix' right arm. Then Nix' eyes closed and the blue blade moved backwards out of Lyric's upper body.

Then time set in again, only that the blue blade had stopped and fell to the ground. Lyric fell forward onto Nix and Nix caught his loved one with his free arm. Both looked at each other confused.

"You died?!" they both shouted at the same time. No, they weren't dead.

"You are both alive. Seize this opportunity. I am eagerly following how you want to prevent the end of the world. Enjoy the time you have left," Fate said and sent the two back.

Nix and Lyric fell. With a crash they landed on the ground. Around them were books, an old door and a table.

"We're back?" Nix asked in disbelief.

"Looks like it. What just happened?" his beloved asked. Both lay confused on the floor of Lyric's room.

"I think Fate turned back time and sent us back," Nix said.

"That means we're alive and back?"

Nix nodded, with his gaze stuck on the amulet. There was a black diamond emblazoned there, which hadn't been there before. The key. Then he felt Lyric's embrace. He was pulled firmly into his arms and returned his embrace.

Finally I have you again, Nix thought.

After a while, Lyric broke away from him and looked into his face. "I love you," he whispered.

The oracle smiled and replied, "Me too." Slowly they picked themselves up.

"We should go back to the others," Nix said. His face darkened when he thought of his best friend. I hope he forgives me. But he had to get through it.

Lyric took his hand and smiled. "Let's go."

Together they stepped through the portal.

Aleks wobbled his foot nervously. Two hours had passed since Nix had disappeared. They all sat nervously in the room, waiting. That's all they could do. Then they felt a swelling of magic. A portal opened and Lyric and Nix came out together.

The relief was visible to everyone. Their gaze fell on Lyric's neck, on which the same amulet was emblazoned, as on Aleks' neck. The second key.

"We're back," Lyrics said with a big grin.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now