Chapter 8

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The night was short. Nix hadn't slept much, but he was used to that. However, the voices weren't as loud as they usually were. When he was around Lyric, they started to sound duller. He sat next to Lyric, who had slept while Nix remained awake. Had looked at his beautiful features and imagined wandering with his fingers over them. But he was not allowed to.

When Lyric woke up, he saw Nix sitting at the window and looking at the bustling people in the streets. It was still relatively early and Lyric could have needed an extra hour or two of sleep, but Nix' silhouette captivated him. He sat there, silently. What could be going on in his head?

Lyric moved to get Nix' attention. He slowly turned to him, but before he could say anything, his body tensed. A bright white covered his eyes. What the...?

Delicate fingertips wandered from his solar plexus, where his oracle mark was located, down to his belly button. He got goosebumps. It was a completely unknown feeling, but it made his skin tingle. Then these fingers moved up the side, circled the nipple, but didn't touch it. They ended at his collarbone.

"My little butterfly, time to make your wings flutter."

As abruptly as the vision had come, it had disappeared again. Nix gasped and had to cling to the chair to avoid falling down. He had seen himself. For the first time in his life, he had seen a vision of himself.

He didn't know who the owner of these fingers had been. The voice had also been distorted, so that he couldn't assign it to anyone. Unbelievable. But what he had seen was more than clear. He had been touched and he had enjoyed it, he hadn't suffered.

A broad grin spread across Nix' face. Lyric was confused. What had that been? He hadn't seen this before. Suddenly, Nix' eyes turned white. Seconds passed. Then he returned.

Had he just had a vision? How often did he have them? All these questions haunted Lyric's head and none of them he said aloud. He just looked spellbound at the oracle who stood up and ran to him.

"Let's go, sleepy head. We have to go to the auction house and find out about when the auction is."

Nix' nature was really erratic. He was the liveliest being he had ever encountered. One moment he was calm and immersed in the surroundings, the next he jumped through the room grinning, and then the next moment he insulted a hell prince with vulgar and sarcastic statements. For such a character there was a separate expression in his culture - kəpək. He had never met a being to whom this expression would have suited better than Nix.

Lyric got up and began to put on his clothes and smooth them a bit with magic – a clear advantage of being a demon, irons were unnecessary.

Together they left the room and made their way to the auction house. Its pompous golden gate was now open and a red silk carpet led the guests to a counter where a nobly dressed sheep demon sat and went through some documents. The walls were made of black rock, very noble, and were decorated with golden circles.

These not only had a decorative function, they were also protective spells that prevented guests from attacking each other. Anyone who broke these rules was literally thrown out of the building. The two had their capes on, which wasn't reprehensible in this place. There were enough buyers who liked to stay incognito, and that was tolerated. Here, everything was paid in cash, who the buyers were wasn't relevant.

"Good afternoon," Nix said in a friendly voice. "We wanted to know when the bird's amulet would be offered for auction."

The sheep demon, wearing a shiny black suit with a red bow, looked up and answered. "Gentlemen, that will take place in three hours. Would you like to reserve a seat in the bidding round?"

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