Chapter 46

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Nix had arrived in the village and followed the footprints that ended in front of a house. He carefully walked up the stairs. Above, he saw the door to a room open and entered it. In front of him stretched the image he had seen so many times. It was unmistakable. But something was missing. The cage and the bird were missing.

Where was Lyric? He searched the house again, but he found nothing. So he decided to return to the room. Somehow he had to get to Lyric, perhaps through a portal, as Lucan had described. Zack had simply disappeared at the time.

Now the only question was how he opened or activated it. It had to have something to do with history. That's when the idea came to him, maybe he had to sing the song. So Nix took a breath and the bird's song sounded. When he sang the last syllable, the room began to vibrate. Rays of light shot through the room and clustered on his chest.

The clothes on his chest burned and Nix screamed when the rainbow-colored ray of light hit his mark directly, which distinguished him as the oracle of hell. Then everything around him became white.

The next thing he noticed was the cold ground beneath him, a white floor. The pain in his chest slowly subsided and he tried to move slowly. As he laboriously straightened up, he looked into black eyes with a silver ring and a strange voice sounded: "Hello, Nix."

He could see that Lyric was trapped on the ground completely unclothed under a strange figure. Immediately his instincts set in and he grumbled, "Keep your hands off my heart."

The creature laughed softly and rose.

Nix crawled to Lyric and put his hand on his cheek. "Are you alright?" he asked Lyric in a soft voice.

But instead of joy, he saw only horror in the gaze of his beloved. "Why are you here, Nix?"

The joy in Nix's chest received a dampener. "I am here to save you," the oracle replied.

"Go, please disappear from here immediately. I beg you," Lyric said desperately.

Nix didn't understand what was going on, but it was too late. Without warning, Lyric was torn away by him. Around Nix' legs and hands snaked shackles that chained him to a pillar that had appeared behind him. He tried to defend himself against it but had no chance.

"Lyric!" he shouted, desperately looking for his beloved one.

"Nix," he heard Lyric's voice. He also stood tied to a pillar opposite Nix.

"I don't want to interrupt your sweet moment, but... no honestly I want to interrupt it. Well, the two of you, do we want to play a game?"

"Fate, please let Nix go. He has nothing to do with all that," Lyric shouted.

Fate? This bastard is Fate? Anger rose in Nix and he growled at the creature in front of him.

Lyric couldn't believe Nix' reaction. But the being was unimpressed by Nix' posturing. Why not, after all, the two were chained to two pillars and completely at his mercy.

"Well, let's get started. We play a game. I take turns asking you a question. If the answer is true, I loosen one of the chains. However, if you lie, I inflict pain on the other. Ready?"

Lyric and Nix stared at them stunned, playing with our lives as if it were a football game. Then they looked at each other.

"No matter what I say, I love you," Lyric said.

Nix replied, "Me too."

"How sweet, let's see how long you last. Well Ilyric, your first question is: Who do you love the most?"

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now