Chapter 14

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Ilyric was nothing special. Like many of his tribe, he grew up in a small village hidden in the mountains, far away from the other demons. They lived a simple but peaceful life. Like every day, he made his way to his mentor.

Once at the age of thirty, each demon of his tribe received a mentor from the ranks of the elders who will teach them everything about runic magic – the special magic of their people – for decades to come. This was a little different but more special from the magic of the other demons.

Rune demons were able to form magic and transform it into what they needed. This was done via runes that were burned on the bodies of the demons. These were a kind of catalyst that allowed them to shape the magic. Each rune had its own function.

There were roughly three categories: synthesis, analysis and reinforcement. According to their name, they could therefore create, perceive, or strengthen with the help of magic. You could also draw the runes on the body, but then their effect was only temporary and, of course, weaker.

In the case of children, these main runes were burned on the skin until they were ready to receive others. Many called this action barbaric, but the pain was short and an equivalent skill was acquired. Every skill had its price. Ilyric had already received seven runes by the time he was 30. With each time it became easier.

Lost in thought, he walked by himself, repeating what he had learned so far so that he was ready for today's lesson. After a short walk, he arrived at his mentor's house. He was already waiting for him. "Hello Ilyric. Today you're on time," Ollian greeted him. Shyly, the little demon nodded.

Ollian – his mentor – was a rune demon at about 800 years old. He had white-blonde, shoulder-length hair that he had braided into a braid so that his pointed ears stood out. He had sandstone-colored eyes with a silver ring, characteristic of their species – as well as the ears. With his 5' 11'' height, he was the largest demon in the village, as they were usually smaller and more petite.

"Well, today we are learning how to build a magical barrier that can withstand short-term attacks. You have already received the necessary rune," his mentor began.

Both took off their tops. Ollian's body was completely covered with runes. It's said that he possesses all the runes of their people except for one rune, which belongs only to the head of the village.

Ollian activated the rune responsible for this with his fingers, so that it lit up. Then he drew a circle with the radius of an arm's length in front of him in the air. The circle began to glow and a membrane of magic stretched within it. "Strike against it," he encouraged the little demon.

Ilyric pulled back his arm and hit the barrier. He felt the resistance and backed away. Insanity. Shortly thereafter, it shattered.

"Can I do that too?" he asked naively, which he was.

Ollian just laughed. "With a little practice, definitely. Let's start with the movement."

Ilyric mimicked the movement that his mentor showed him. They were busy with this for a while.

"Well, now that you have internalized the movement, we come to the incantation. Follow me."

Ilyric silently followed his mentor, curious to see what he wanted to show him. They stopped in front of a large barrel filled with water.

"Do you see the surface?" Ollian asked him.

Ilyric nodded.

"Describe it to me."

The little demon thought about how best to put into words what he saw. "It's smooth and stretched at the same time. This tension of the surface prevents the small animals from sinking onto it."

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