Chapter 23 (with smut scene)

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"..., the longer I stay near him, the harder it becomes for me."

Lyric froze, looking at the closed door behind which his oracle was behind. The words cut into his heart, hurt more than his injuries.

He had only recently woken up in a hospital room and found that his wounds had already been treated. His head still hurt a little, but even that subsided. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember how he had lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he had a fiery taste in his mouth that breathed life into him – Nix' blood. He must have instilled some of it into him while unconscious. Again he licked his lips with relish. So he had gone in search of him and had heard his voice come from this direction. He didn't know if he should just enter the room, so he had listened first. Then he heard that sentence.

After a short while, another answered – probably the guard dog. "If it hurts you, you have to go. But until then, make the most of it."

I hurt him? Lyric's heart cramped. I would never hurt him, ever. But the oppressive feeling didn't let him go. He turned around and went back to the hospital room. His thoughts always revolved around that one topic, so he didn't notice how someone entered the room.

"Woke up, sleepy head?" a soft voice asked him, looking into warm eyes and a smiling face. For a moment, doubts arose in Lyric. Is this smile real? The next moment he was ashamed of it.

Nix couldn't read the face of the rune demon. He had expected a more joyful reaction, which unsettled him somewhat. So he sat down next to Lyric and put his hand on his temple. "I'm sorry I knocked you unconscious."

He made me unconscious... ah, that's how it was. Slowly the memory came back. The smile had given way to a sad face. Somehow it all didn't fit together, what was that between them? And what was it for Nix? "I think I should still sleep a little, can I take advantage of a guest room?"

Lyric's answer was a shocked face. Nix bit his lip and remained silent, then he wrapped Lyric's wrist and pulled on it.

"Nix, what-" He came off of the hospital bed a bit inelegantly. If he pulls even more, I will trip.

"Nix, stop." But the demon ignored him and simply dragged him with him. Heaven, where does he get this strength from?

Eventually, they arrived in a larger room with only a large four-poster bed. Nix let go of him and locked the door. The room was a hemisphere shape, in the middle of which was the round bed. It was covered with light blue blankets and a bunch of pillows. Wow, that's more than accommodating.

Scattered over the walls were countless scenes of demons, angels and people, all carved into them. At the upper part of the hemisphere were in a circle the constellations of hell, with the bright stars represented by white luminous stones. It was just stunning.

"Where are we?" Is this the guest room?

"We're in my room," Nix said, touching a big red stone in the wall. Suddenly, a red pattern covered the wall and he felt a barrier forming along the walls, "and now no one can enter or leave this room if I don't allow it."

Lyric looked at him in surprise. "Am I your prisoner?" unintentionally came from his lips.

Nix looked at him with glowing eyes and walked slowly towards him. What happened? Lyric was confused, didn't know what was going on.

When Lyric asked him this question, he lost it. Prisoner? He sees himself as a prisoner? Does he want to flee, leave me? Leave me?! Nix was unsettled, didn't know what to think, what to do. He's mine. His body moved on its own.

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