Chapter 16

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Together they sat on the floor on soft, comfortable cushions around a large round table. Numerous delicacies were distributed in bowls all over the table. They ate together with the lady of the house, her companion, and her little daughter.

Nix was enjoying a piece of fish in her mouth when the lady of the house began to chat.

"Where are you both from and what made you visit our little village?" she asked kindly, with her eyes resting on Lyric a little longer than Nix would have liked. Lyric was beautiful and his exotic appearance attracted many, Nix could understand that – and yet he felt a sting in his chest. What was that?

"We come from Behemoth's area and are traders who like to travel. We look for jewelry that we then sell," Nix said with a false smile.

Lyric had seen through it immediately, because he knew what Nix' true smile looked like.

"We are about to set off, but we still wanted to enjoy the peace and the surroundings here," he continued.

Lyric felt something plucking at his sleeve and looked to the right. Big eyes looked at him and asked, "Fairy, hungry?"

"Thank you, my little one, I'm full."

That didn't seem to interest the little monster. She held out a piece of vegetables to him and waited. Should I eat that? He sighed and just ate it. Nix' mouth twitched. Idiot.

"No, Susa, he probably doesn't want that," the mother reprimanded the little girl, who was already choosing the next piece for Lyric. "I apologize, she seems to really like you."

Lyric waved it off.

The landlord cleared himself. "Be that as it may, we look forward to your visit and wish you a pleasant stay. However, I would ask you to be a little careful. There are rumors that lately some crooks are wreaking havoc in the villages around, so be careful if you go out late at night."

Nix drew a surprised face. Was that a coincidence? Possibly.

"Don't worry, we'll be careful, but thank you for the warning," he replied kindly, then looked at Lyric with a serious expression.

The rest of the meal passed without further incident. Slowly the eyes of the little demon fell shut. She clung to her doll while she yawned. Her mother lifted her up and said goodbye to put her to bed.

Lyric and Nix also decided to leave, but before that they went for a walk. When they were far enough away from the village, Nix began to speak. "Lyric, we should take the doll and disappear."

Lyric looked at him thoughtfully. "I should be able to make a copy, but that takes some time," he said.

Nix looked at him in surprise, "oh really?"

"Yes, but for that I have to touch them and examine them closely," replied the rune demon.

"Then make friends with the little girl, then she will surely let you play with her doll," the oracle suggested.

Lyric nodded, but it probably won't be that easy. "Well, let's go back."

The next day they found Susa in a small meadow behind the house. She made a flower necklace. A less successful specimen was already hanging around the neck of her doll. When she saw Lyric, a smile spread on her face and she shouted, "Fairy!"

"Can the fairy play with your doll?" Nix asked the little demon.

She looked a little unsure at her doll and thought about it. Lyric smiled and took a flower he had picked and put it in the little monster's hair. She rejoiced and finally nodded. Lyric carefully took the doll in his hand and felt it. He tried to grasp everything – surface, strength, thickness, mobility and resistance.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now