Chapter 30

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When the two arrived at Nix' home, they both got down on their knees and took a deep breath.

"Hell, oracle, because of you I have just aged thousands of years! Why did you mess with a hell prince? You can't just blackmail Sereph for good luck," Lyric said angrily.

Nix replied with a laugh that became louder and louder. "Oh come on. That was exciting. He was really the hardest nut I've ever cracked. But we were successful," he said, as if this was a coffee party and not an almost painful death on their part.

Lyric still couldn't believe it. He is insane, there is no other explanation. He got up and put his hand on his eyes and sighed. What should I do with my little maniac? Before Lyric could deepen his thoughts, however, Nix hugged him and snuggled up to his chest.

"How about something that is... more relaxing," he said, licking his lips invitingly.

"I'm afraid you don't have time for that," a voice interrupted Nix' advances.

He turned his face and grumbled, "What happened, Dayan?"

Dayan looked pitifully at Lyric. He knew Nix for centuries and knew about his unpredictable mind. But in Lyric's presence, this trait seems to blossom just right. "I have a clue to the sixth object," he said, telling them to follow it.

As is so often the case, they sat down in the small meeting room. But the scene was fundamentally different from all the previous ones, because now he wasn't sitting opposite a thoughtful oracle, but a happy oracle. Nix snuggled up to the rune demon who put his arms around him, as Dayan often did with his mate. At that moment, his suspicion that Lyric was Nix' heart was reinforced even further.

He purged himself to get the attention of the two and placed a parchment with a very scraggly handwriting on the table. "One of my informants found something. It is a tale of a hidden temple in Behemoth's area to be protected by a guard. They guard the comb of the Phoenix, which is supposed to comb the hair of the dead. So it could be the object you are looking for."

Nix read the writing attentively. Thoughtfully, he looked at Lyric and said, "It could actually be it, but not much is mentioned about its guardian or its exact location."

"This sounds like a legend told to us as children," the rune demon said.

Lyric added: "It's more of a children's fairy tale that you tell to keep children from playing in unknown places.

Once upon a time there was a little boy who was full of adventure and courage. He climbed into every hidden corner, every dark cave and did not shy away from the heights. So he wandered through the forest in search of an adventure, which he had already explored many times, and stopped in front of the bridge. Crossing this bridge was strictly forbidden to him, because the dead rested on the other side. But curiosity agonizingly drove him to break this rule. Stone by stone, he wandered across the river that separated the living from the dead. As soon as he crossed the bridge, he heard a strange noise. Following this, he went undeterred into the darkness of the forest and disappeared. All around were only trees and branches, until he completely lost himself in them.

He wandered around, the way back disappeared until a mason greeted him. A guard stood in front of this temple, the king of birds, to protect the treasure – the comb that combed the hair of the dead so that they could find their peace. The guard asked him what he was looking for in this place and the boy remained silent, too afraid to say a word. The guardian felt sorry for him and showed mercy to the innocent soul who had simply succumbed to curiosity. "Go my little one and be careful, next time you won't be able to leave this place." With a flapping of his wings, the demon ignited a hurricane that gripped the boy and before he knew it, he was back on the bridge. Never has he returned, never had he crossed the bridge and disturbed the dead again."

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