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"Are you ready, Kəpək?"

"Of course, let's blow up the event," his heart replied. Grinning, they both stood at the exit.

"Are we too late?" Zack asked his mate and had the camera ready. He shook his head. So they had made it in time. Together they went to the very end of the room and took a position. Then they gave the DJ a sign and the music started and the lights went out.

A vibration filled the room and all the electronic devices gave up the spirit. A whistle sounded and the melody of Unforgettable from One OK Rock filled the room. A murmur went through the crowd. Exactly one spotlight shone.

In keeping with the beat, a male figure with silver hair and obsidian eyes appeared. He wore an anthracite suit that nestled perfectly against his figure. With elegant movements, he walked the catwalk. All eyes followed him and his hypnotic movements.

"La séduction," someone in the audience said.

Lyric stopped at the end of the catwalk and threw an enchanting smile at the crowd. Then he stretched his hand towards the exit and looked expectantly in that direction.

A second spot appeared, revealing another man with black hair with a thorough greenish shimmer and fiery red eyes. He wore a black suit with a green shimmer and an ivy-green shirt. Gracefully, he stepped forward, towards 'La séduction.'

No one dared to make a sound, everyone was trapped under the spell of the two gods. When the smaller one arrived at the front, he grabbed the hand of the bigger one. He pulled it to himself and bent over him. Then he pressed his lips on Lyric's.

It was a magical moment that the guests were able to witness. Then 'La séduction' raised his voice. "May I introduce today's designer, artist and close friend - Jean-Paul Gautier, a legend of the fashion world."

Another spot appeared and a visibly surprised and overjoyed designer walked down the catwalk. He ran to the two who made room in their midst. Lyric and Nix stood up to Jean and at that moment the bright flash of a camera shone.

Then the lights went out and the two gods were gone.

It was speculated for weeks who the two were and with what trick they had disappeared. But there was not a single recording of that evening. This appearance became a legend in the fashion world.

When Jean packed everything up in his studio so he could go home, he heard his assistant sigh.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Oh, it's just so incredibly annoying. These two gods make such an appearance and there is not a single recording. Was it all just imagination?"

Jean smiled. He hadn't known about it, it had been a surprise for him. It had certainly been the payment for the suits. A knock on the door made him look up and a parcel carrier came in.

"What are they doing here?" Lucille asked. She was right, a messenger should never come up here.

"I have a delivery that I can only hand over to Mr. Gautier personally," he said, handing over a package to the fashion designer. He tapped on a device twice, then he turned around and disappeared.

What is in this package? Jean put down his suitcase and picked up a letter opener to open it. A picture frame came to light. His eyes widened. "Impossible."

In front of him was a picture of him with Lyric and Nix on the catwalk. Then he remembered that there had been a single flash. That moment was captured in this photo. He stroked the picture in awe.

Lucille looked over his shoulder and growled disappointed. "Great, there's a picture, but the two aren't on it." With these words, she walked away.

At that moment, he understood that he was the only one who could see the two. With a smile, he went to the desk of his studio and placed the picture next to that of his beloved. Then he turned off the lights and closed the door.



That was "Nix - a fateful kiss". I would like to thank all the readers who accompanied the two of them until the end and cheered them on.

Dearly greetings,

your Mouse Goddess

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now