Chapter 12

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This time Nix didn't wake up in the middle of the night. No, it was actually already bright. Heaven, have I ever slept so well in my life? I can't remember. Silence. This magnificent silence... and heat? He opened his eyes to spot warm, strong arms surrounding him.

A smile wandered on his face as he thought of last night. Hmmm. Delicious. The demon had really opened up a whole new world for him. Now he had tasted blood and he wanted more. They hadn't gone till the end. The thought of Lyric's tongue on his... Crap, now he was hard. Nix sighed.

Nix wanted to get up, but at the same time he didn't. This physical closeness was really addictive. Carefully, he turned around in the embrace. Lyric made some disgruntled sounds that made Nix' heart jump. With a fast-beating heart, he looked into the face of the rune demon. Beautiful.

Lyric had pronounced cheekbones and a fine nose. His silver eyelashes cast small moon-shaped shadows on his pale skin. His ears were pointed, which led Nix to stroke them in wonder. The tip twitched, which was incredibly cute. His gaze wandered back to Lyric's face. The lips looked really delicious, so he wanted to taste them.

Suddenly, Lyric opened his eyes and backed away. "What were you up to?" he asked with a cold look.

Nix just looked at him confused. Had he done something wrong?

Lyric's heart raced. That had been close. He could fight for his stupidity. He wouldn't make this mistake again. Attentively he searched for signs of his curse, but Nix just lay there calmly and looked at him questioningly. No signs? Not even after lying skin to skin together all night? But then why did he want to kiss him?

"Lyric, are you alright? I didn't want to do anything to you, I just looked at your face," Nix said, who was beginning to wonder what the problem was. He concealed the fact that he had completely forgotten that he wasn't allowed to kiss Lyric. Stupid Nix.

The rune demon seemed to believe him slowly.

In a melodic voice, the oracle said, "As I told you. I. Am. Immune", emphasizing his words. Then he stood up and heard the demon breath in sharply.

Nix' body in daylight was stunning. His alabaster-colored skin shimmered in the sunlight, just as his black hair shone greenish. Lyric's scent and his marks were emblazoned on his skin. Mine. A growl sounded from Lyric's chest.

Nix looked at the demon and suddenly felt like the prey targeted by a predator. "Do you like what you see?" he asked cheekily as he drove his tongue over his lower lip. Another growl sounded. He would like to continue playing, but they didn't have time for that. What a pity.

Nix dressed, as did the rune demon. Nix had forgotten something, but what was it? Then it occurred to him again. How could he have forgotten that? Had he been so horny? Hell.

"Did you take the necklace with you?" he asked in panic.

Lyric put his hand into his pocket and pulled out the chain. The chain of the bird, very good. Now they had one of the seven items.

Nix took it and opened a small portal. He just put his hand through with the chain, let it go and pulled back his empty hand. "A secret hiding place," he replied before Lyric could ask. So they could be sure that no one could rob them.

"Can you open a portal at any time?" Lyric asked. Even if it sounded simple, it was a great feat of strength to create a portal. Only demons from class C or higher were able to do this and then only a limited number per day, as it consumed a lot of magic.

"I can create an unlimited number of portals," Nix replied. At least one advantage of his cursed state. As an oracle, he had to be able to get to the scene at any time, so fate had equipped him with this useful ability. Not that he traveled much, that had spoiled it for him.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now