Chapter 31

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After hearing the story, the succubus nodded.

Did he solve the mystery? Nix was curious, but Lyric preceded him.

"Zack, do you know what we're talking about?" Lyric asked.

"I have a strong guess. The demon that is mentioned in the story is called the king of birds. Most likely, it is a Simurgh demon. A demon of incredible size, whose plumage shimmers in all the colors of the rainbow. This giant demon has the appearance of a bird of prey, similar to an eagle or falcon with the head of a dog. Its beautiful feathers possess incredible healing powers and the ability to return lost powers."

The others nodded, that made sense. Zack got up and walked out of the room briefly. He ran into Lucan's library and fetched a book. When he returned, he sat down, opened a page in the old tome depicting a picture of a bridge. Then he continued: "There is a bridge whose name is Sild surmani, which loosely translated also means bridge to death. It is located in Behemoth's area, deep in the east in a forest. Which could fit the hint."

Nix looked at the succubus impressed. "You really live up to your name – Master of Treasures."

Zack just grinned and waved it off.

Lyric took the book and looked at the bridge and its described surroundings while the others continued to chat.

Zack looked at the oracle, he was just too curious. "Nix, are the two of you a couple?"

Nix looked down and his face darkened slightly. "No," he replied quietly, looking down.

Lucan immediately realized that Nix didn't like the answer himself. Did the oracle have feelings for the rune demon? They were a strange couple, but who was he to judge that?

"Well, I think I now know roughly where it is and how we can get there," Lyric said, "thank you for your help."

They got up ready to leave. "We thank you for the hospitality," he said politely, bowing. He shook hands with Lucan and Zack. Nix tilted his head and looked at Zack, then he smiled.

"Is everything all right?" the succubus asked.

"Yes, don't worry. It's all going to be fine." Then he called a portal, through which he stepped after a short farewell greeting.

Lyric stayed behind for a moment. "I apologize again for his behavior."

Zack waved it off. "Don't sweat it. He's just... something special."

Lyric smiled and said, "Yes, he is" and walked through the portal.

Zack looked at his mate. "They're totally in love, a blind man can see that." Lucan agreed with him in principle, but something seemed off. They both seemed to be unaware of each other's feelings, or they have repressed them. But no one could deny that there was anything between the two. It was only unclear what this something was.

Once home, Lyric looked at the oracle. "Are we about to leave?" he asked Nix.

The oracle shook his head. "Not yet, we have to do something before that. In two days we have to be on earth. Since I don't know how long our stay in the realm of the deceased lasts, we can't leave before."

"What exactly do we have to do in the human world?" the rune demon asked curiously.

Nix grinned.

What is Nix planning again? Whenever he grinned, it didn't bode well. And he should be right. When they returned, Lyric didn't speak a word to him for two days. Even though Nix assured him that it had been necessary, Lyric had to digest it first. But it didn't help, they had to keep going. He had to trust Nix that it had actually been the right thing to do. They prepared everything to leave for the bridge the next day.

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