Chapter 20

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"No games, no stupid sayings, no unannounced actions," Lyric said once again to the pouting oracle. "We can't afford to arouse suspicion or even expose your camouflage. Are you sure he can't feel the camouflage spell?" the rune demon asked for the third time.

He had checked everything three times and went through it carefully with Nix after they received a response. This one had come surprisingly quickly, so this actually was very suspicious. They could take advantage of this for themselves, provided Nix didn't take any action that messed it up.

As they stood in front of the gate, they showed their invitation to the guards and were then led to the reception room, where they waited. "I will let the commander know that you have arrived," the guard said as he walked away.

It wasn't long before they were led into the commander's meeting room. This was a simple room with a work desk with many documents on it, sat in the middle and on the right edge was a large strategic table on which a large map was spread. On the walls were numerous bookshelves.

The commander looked up when the door opened and they entered. The fourth commander of Belphegor's force – Pan the Sickle – greeted them with the greeting of a warrior. Pan was as big as Lyric, but built wider. He had shoulder-length hazel hair, which he had tied back strictly into a braid, and mint green eyes. He was a Kamaitachi demon of rank A with the potential of rank S.

Kamaitachi demons were demons whose hands could turn into sickles, just like any other part of the body. The metal of their body formed one of the hardest metals in hell. Very powerful Kamaitachi could also grow sickles from their bodies and remove them to use as a weapon. However, these dissolved after a short time as soon as they were separated from the main body. This was also only possible in limited numbers, as it consumed a large amount of their energy.

"Lyric the rune demon and your companion, I am glad that you followed my answer so quickly," he said politely but firmly.

Lyric raised his eyebrows. We are welcomed more politely than expected. Something is wrong.

"So Telos has also wreaked havoc in your area?" Lyric asked.

Pan nodded and told him to follow him to a large table on which he had placed a large plan and other documents.

Nix, meanwhile, looked around the room inconspicuously. His gaze fell on the commander's large desk, where something glittered in the light. Inconspicuously, he moved a little further in its direction in order to catch a better look. A golden cap with a phoenix on it came to light. A ruby was emblazoned on the top of the lid. Bingo.

Lyric stood at the table, Pan sideways to Nix. The rune demon looked briefly at the oracle and recognized by his facial expression that he was planning something. Not good. Nix pull yourself together. Nix looked at him with a cheeky grin and Lyric's eyes begged to keep quiet. But, as always, the oracle ignored all reason.

I absolutely have to distract him as long as Nix does his mischief.

"What do the red dots on the map mean?" he asked the commander, who made a serious face.

"Those are the places where members of Telos have wreaked havoc."

In front of him stretched a map of Belphegor's territory. There were hardly any points, only here and there, completely indiscriminate. Then Lyric's gaze fell on a map that stretched underneath.

"May I?" he asked the commander, pulling out the larger one, which was below the other. It was a map of the whole hell and there were significantly more points. Lyric's eyes wandered to the big ones. Behemoth's estate, where the battle took place; Esmie, there was the fight against Lucan's army. But there were others that caught the demon's eye. That is not possible... Before him, the places were the town of Kordial, the land of Madame Larenn and her mate and most recently the village where they had been a few days ago.

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