Chapter 36

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Back in the present...

Nix and Dayan stood in front of the bridge that led to the realm of the deceased. Dayan had already put on the belt system with which he would strap Nix to his back and checked it three times. The fact that Nix was a lot smaller than him was an advantage, but they had to be careful. Nix wasn't allowed to touch the ground under any circumstances. In addition, he did not know how the magic withdrawal would affect his body. He hoped it wouldn't just knock him out.

Nix checked his backpack again and nodded. Dayan got down on his knees in front of him so he could get into his loops. He quickly buckled Nix as he sat on him.

A few seconds later, he felt the well-known tremor. Nix would faint right away. Shit, let's go. Dayan held his friend's legs and stepped onto the bridge. Already at the first step taken, he felt how the magic was literally sucked out. This is worse than expected, he thought and gasped. Nix, on the other hand, calmed down and his breathing returned to normal.

When they got halfway through, his friend signaled to him with a thumbs up that he was ok. Relief flowed through Dayan, at least there was one less problem. Now all he had to do was make the transition. With each step, his powers waned and his demon fell into a rigidity.

One more step and he would have left the realm of the living behind. This step drove through his body like an electric shock and almost made his legs give out. With pure willpower, Dayan kept himself on his feet and took a few minutes to recover. Nix' hand pointed in one direction and Dayan began to walk. He jogged comfortably, but fast enough so they progressed quite quickly.

They passed through a forest of black trees and white leaves and crossed a clearing. Nix felt that he was getting closer to Lyric and smiled. Soon I will be with you. The end of the clearing was slowly in sight. But when they had crossed a good two-thirds of the way, the earth suddenly began to shake. Shit, what is it?

Dayan stopped and looked around attentively. Without warning, the earth tore open in front of them and smoke rose. No, this is not smoke. The smoke took shape, lanky bodies and claws form and a hollow face like a skull. Flames were glowing in the eyes. A ghastly cry rose from the hollow throats. These are Mononoke spirits. Holy shit, even some of the evil kind.

Dayan seemed to think the same. As if a silent signal had sounded, the spirits began to fly towards them. Dayan ran as fast as he could, while Nix pulled his weapons. He repelled the attacking spirits as best he could, cutting off their arms and heads. The bodies fell to the ground, but the limbs slowly migrated back to their trunk body and grew again.

Soon they were covered in cuts and the blood ran down on them. They had almost made it, but then a Mononoke attacked directly from the side and Dayan stumbled. He barely intercepted himself and Nix separated the ghost's head from its torso. The moment Dayan set foot in the adjacent area, the spirits retreated.

Wheezing, they stood there, weakened by blood loss, but alive. Dayan clumsily put one foot in front of the other and a temple slowly appeared in front of them. Nix signaled to his best friend that they had made it. Now all they had to do was go up the stairs. Dayan gasped. Hell Nix, there will be a big holiday for me.

Lyric sat on the altar in the temple and looked into the distance, looking for a sign from his oracle, but it was silent. Tori sat next to him. For a moment he contorted his face, which surprised Lyric. Then he felt a hand running along his arm.

"It's about time," Tori whispered.

Lyric summoned the hourglass and saw that the last grain of sand was only millimeters away from the ground. Then it's time to go for me. He put his left hand on the dagger hidden in his boot. One last time he summoned Nix' face, his laughter. With a flowing movement, he pulled the dagger and aimed at his heart.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now