Chapter 15

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Several days passed. One day, Ilyric made his way back to his mentor, but when he arrived, he was not waiting for him. Strange. He had always been there. An uneasy feeling crept into the chest of the little demon. Then he felt a large amount of magic surge up.

He turned around and ran back, but what he found made the blood freeze in his veins. Strange demons with big sharp weapons ran through the streets, the members of his tribe fled in panic. Screams cut through the air and blood soaked the ground. In front of him, a rune demon was split in two and the blood shot in all directions.

"Get the most beautiful specimens and gather them in the big square," shouted the butcher.

Ilyric was frozen. He couldn't move, and that's when the demon targeted him. He felt a large hand roughly grab his arm and dragged him behind. In a panic, he screamed and fought back. He activated a rune on his stomach and shot an energy impulse right in the face of the demon.

The enemy retreated screaming and held his bleeding nose. "For this you shall die!" he grumbled and raised his sword.

Lyric raised his arms protectively, knowing full well that they wouldn't withstand a sword. However, before the blade reached him, the demon was thrown backwards. His mother stood next to him and held her bleeding side. A deep cut stretched over her back.

"Darling, you have to flee," she gasped.

"No, Mom, I can't leave you behind," the little demon cried.

"Ilyric, you can do it. You are strong and smart. They mustn't get you," she gasped.

The demon had got up and ran towards her with a roar. His mother pulled him aside and the little demon had to watch as she was impaled by the sword. As if in slow motion, her lifeless body fell to the ground. A pool of blood spread beneath her, dying her beautiful silver hair red.

"Miserable scum, if you didn't look so beautiful, we would just slaughter you," the demon snorted.

The little boy was shaking. "Mama?" But she would no longer answer him. Ilyric would never hear her voice again, never again would he hear the story of the little bird. An unbearable pain shot through his chest. Thick tears ran down his face and he cried bitterly. He adopted a fetal posture. Strong arms gripped him and he was lifted up, but he didn't care. He wanted to follow his mother, but they moved quickly away from her body.

He opened his eyes and realized that it wasn't the enemy demon who carried him, but his mentor, Ollian. They ran away from the carnage. Together they hid in a group of trees.

The big demon knelt before the small ones. "Ilyric, you have to listen to me carefully. OK. Can you hear me?" he asked insistently, and Ilyric nodded vigorously in reply. "You are our hope, our future. Only you can continue our legacy."

What did his mentor want to say? He didn't understand. His otherwise reliable mind simply let him down. "You will have to finish the rest of your education on your own, but I will give you all the knowledge you need. You can do it, I'm sure."

"Ollian," the little demon sobbed, "what are you talking about?"

But his mentor was running out of time. He tore off Ilyric's shirt, then pressed a rune on his own solar plexus. Why was a rune there? Only the leader possessed one, which is why this spot was the only free one on the upper body of all the others. Was their leader already dead?

The rune lit up brightly. Then Ollian put his forehead on that of the little one. At that moment, all the knowledge that their people had accumulated over millennia flowed into him. At the same time, all the runes that existed were burned on his body. Ilyric screamed in so much pain that he felt he was almost going insane.

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