Chapter 24

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Dayan had been waiting at his regular bar called Hell's Kitchen for quite some time now. The owner really had a sense of humor, but it was a friendly bar with an open-hearted attitude. Larius, the fallen angel who built this bar centuries ago, and still ran it, had been tired of encountering pejorative glances again and again because of his origin or race, so he decided to open his own place of gathering.

Every visitor was welcome, no matter where they came from or what class they belonged to. Thus, it was like in a large kitchen, where ingredients from different areas of the country came together and made a delicious dish. Larius was of the opinion that the mixture and variety made the spice – that's how the name Hell's Kitchen was born.

Hostility or quarrels were strictly forbidden in the bar. Therefore, those who violated it were immediately thrown out. The bar itself was divided into different areas. There was the bar counter where you could sit comfortably, a large dance area, and a small stage where musicians and dancers often performed. In the back, there were several tables that sat five to ten people who wanted to meet and talk. Finally, there was the cordoned-off area. These were five rooms where you enjoyed your privacy. Via a lighting system, you could call the waiter for drinks and food.

Dayan himself was drinking a cool self-squeezed juice while waiting for his acquaintance. She hadn't even managed to get there on time in all the years they knew each other. Yes, Daria is a temporal chaos. The door opened and a visibly rushed Banshee entered the room.

Banshees were predominantly female demons who possessed the gift of seeing. They could foresee a person's death, which is why they were often confused with oracles. However, their gift only worked when they touched the person. Their cry was so shrill that everything made of glass immediately burst and many temporarily lost their hearing and sense of balance from vertigo.

She had the typical white hair and black eyes of her breed. Her skin was pale and she was about two heads smaller than Dayan. Her robe was a sari in dove gray. She looked like a ghost, but that was her Fable, so to each his own.

"Hi D, how are you?" Daria greeted him with a smile.

They hugged each other in greeting. Normally, Daria avoided any contact with others because she didn't want to foresee their death, but she didn't have to with Dayan. They had met about two hundred and thirty years ago, when Dayan had saved her and her sisters from a raid. She had touched him and had already seen his death.

She has remained silent about this and will continue to do so. But that's why the touch didn't matter anymore. She herself had specialized in the field of curses and curse spells and could make a good living from it. She had also found a partner, another Banshee, with whom she was happily connected. Banshees couldn't see the death of another Banshee, so they could live together with peace of mind.

"Hi Ria, how is Lana doing?" Dayan kindly asked.

"She's well and taking care of our twins," Daria said with a smile. "But now you. You probably didn't call me for a chat today, did you?" she asked with a meaningful expression.

Dayan nodded. "Let's go to the private room."

Daria nodded and followed her friend. They entered the middle of the five rooms, which Dayan had reserved in advance. There were already the drinks – various juices from the fruits of hell – on a small table on the floor. Around the table were various seat cushions. Otherwise, the room was empty. Various patterns of fluorescent stones decorated the walls, but they also had a practical use. They were provided with protective spells.

Daria made herself comfortable opposite Dayan and poured herself a glass of the red juice. "So D, get out with it. What's up?"

Dayan took his glass and waved it back and forth a little thoughtfully. For a moment, he didn't know if he could ask Daria or not. "Ria. Your specialty is curses," he began, and Daria frowned. For all those years, she and Dayan hadn't talked about their work. What prompted him to do so?

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