Chapter 53 Night Of The Fallen Stars

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Ross' pov

A reflection only reflects you physically. My appearance right now isn't really based on how Laura found to love me. I was dressed to look presentable, not to attract. Standing in front of the mirror. Trying to fix my necktie. I was a bit nervous. This is my first prom with Laura. Sure i've attended formal parties and dances but this had me thinking, I need to make this night memorable.

Our balcony doors were covered by our curtains. Both of us wanted our looks to be a surprise. We both wanted to have that feeling of amazement and starstruck.


The clock strikes. Time for Prom.

I took a deep breath and one final look in the mirror. Not a single hair strand out of place, tie is neat, coat is straight. I smiled looking at the mirror, actually pleased with my look right now.

Ross:here goes nothing...

I grabbed the box I bought earlier today containing a corsage for Laura. Can't have a prom date without a corsage right? I went out my room and down the stairs. Slowly. As I reached down everyone was in the living room and they stared at me.

Feeling a bit embarrassed right now. Usually we would all be dressed like this for a special night. But as of now, only I'm in a formal attire. Everyone gave me a small smile like they're so proud how grown up I've gotten. It was kinda awkward standing in the middle with everyone seated and staring at you, saying nothing.

Ross:um... Im off to pick up Laura.

Mom got up the couch and I could tell that her smile was the biggest in the room. She stood in front of me and admired my look for a split second and fixed my coat a little.

Mom:have fun sweetie. Show her a good time.

A slight smile appeared on my face and I nodded. I turned around to give everyone a last look of me and I walked out the door.

Shutting the door behind me, I looked to my left, and walked straight to next door. Each step I took I felt an extra shiver went through my body. Never been this nervous in my life.

I stopped in front of their door. The front porch light lit up the door perfectly in the night.

Ross: its now or never...

I knocked on the door. Taking another deep breath. Damiano answering wouldn't be the one i'll be waiting for, it will be the time for him to welcome me in and let Laura walk down the stairs.

The door opened, and it wasn't just Damiano, Her mom Ellen was standing right beside him, both smiling at me.

Ross: good evening, Mr. & Mrs. Marano. (I greeted politely)

They smiled and didn't say anything. I furrowed my eyebrows at them a bit and the silence was a bit...awkward.

They then looked at the top of the staircase and my eyes followed. And thats when my heart stopped. The lights, the sounds, they're all in slow motion. She looked like a focussed picture with a blurred background to my eyes.

She was slightly looking down, with a smile. Feeling a bit shy of her look. She then started walking down the stairs. She looked beautiful. Is there any other word to describe her?

My paused heart suddenly started pumping faster as she came closer to me. Nervousness became excitement. She stopped in the middle of her parents and I. Her parents watched as we both stared at each other, already feeling this magical night.

I presented her the box containing the corsage and as soon as she opened it she smiled. I got it and placed it on her wrist as she hugged me.

Ross: you look stunning. (I whispered to her ear)

We let go of our hug and couldn't get enough of staring at each other.

Laura: well you look handsomer than ever. (She said with a slight giggle)

We both looked back at her parents and Ellen was holding the camera. She gestured for us to pose and I wrapped my arm around Laura's shoulder. Smiling for the camera as it clicked.

Ellen: perfect...

Damiano: ok now You two have fun ok, Ross don't bring her back too late.

I slightly laughed at his comment. Usually it would be "dont bring her back late". Being approved by her father has never been better.

Ross: will do.

Laura then looked at me with eager and excitement.

Laura: shall we go?

I smirked and presented my arm to her, she glad,y clings her arm to mine and we both got out of her house.

She was looking up in the sky. I found it cute. Like everything she is. I looked up in the sky as well, nothing there.

Ross: what are you looking ay anyway? (I teased)

She looks back to me and sighs.

Laura: I guess prom theme didn't really match with tonight's sky.

Thinking for a minute it really didn't. The theme was "A million sky lanterns" it was created by Laura, she said that as a child, her mom would tell her that stars in the sky are actually lanterns giving us light at night.

The sky was empty, no stars to be found. Scientifically speaking, this would mean rain soon.

Laura: Great I might have ruined my first prom.

I remembered she really doesn't attend prom. Now its her first prom, and she did half of the things for it. She wanted her last prom to be a big part of her life.

He stopped in front of my car and Laura was a bit down.


I grabbed her shoulders as a comforting sign.

Ross: who cares about the stars...

That didn't seem to even cheer her up, not even a bit.

Laura: I do...

She was a bit pouting. I just smiled and started looking at the sky.

Ross: alrighty then...

I was staring up high, she then lifts her head up and watches me. I was looking for at least one star. My eyes travelled left to right and down to her face.

Ross: oh hey, I found one...

She smiled and blushed. She was the only star I really cared about tonight. And apparently one is enough.

Ross: so... (I said while opening the car door for her) ready to go?

Her smile grew bigger as she got in my car, being extra careful with her dress.

I closed the door and went to the other side. Before going in, I glanced at the sky one final time. Smiling, feeling proud of what I said Laura.

She cant find a star? I better give her a mirror then.


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