Chapter 25 ILY

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Ross' pov

Still in my bed staring at the ceiling just smiling like a crazy person.


I just sighed dreamily.

Ross:i dont know..........i think i do.....

Rocky stares at me with furrowed eyebrows.

Rocky:dude, do you even know what love is?

Ross:the strange feeling where you only see laura in everything....(i then faced him) is that what you mean?

Rocky then sighs

Rocky:dude, laura's your first girlfriend. And im sorry for doubting, but.....its just that, you use to treat love like it was a game. Now you say you're in love?

Ross:is it wrong? (I say in a confused way)

Rocky: dude im n saying its wrong, im just saying tha-...

Ross:i should tell laura. (I cut him off)

Rocky:WHAT?! NO!

I then furrowed my eyebrows at him,


Rocky:yes, NO! Listen, laura has never experienced love either, soo it might shock her, when you say it.

I then stare back at the ceiling........feeling a little down at what my brother said.

------ROMEO'S BALCONY------

Next day in school. Me and laura were in the library and she was reading and i was just watching her, thinking, how am i suppose to tell her. I think i love her..........i do love her.

I cant really use any of my techniques i use to use when i was a player. Those never work on her.

Soo i'll just act really sweet this week, and i'll see if she'll love me back i guess.

i smile and looked at her in a way like i was daydreaming. She notices me and looks up to furrow her eyebrows

Laura:what are you staring at?

Ross:duh, the most beautiful girl in the world. (I flirted)

She giggles while shaking her head, while looking back down to her book.

I just chuckled slightly and stood up

Ross:be back in a sec. I'll try to find a book.

Well, we are at the library, might as well read.

I then roamed this huge library. What kind of book should i read.....i went to the fiction, sci-fi, subject books, spanish books, comics, lot of girls smiled as i pass them but i ignored them. I mean come on, other girls dont interest me anymore, ever since i had laur.

I then found myself reaching for a book entitled "how to tell her" fits my situation perfectly.

I opened the book and it was pretty much on "love" the chapters were 'how to tell her you're canceling your date' ,'how to tell her that she looks like a wreck'

I scrolled to the last page and there was 'how to tell her you love her!'

I am soo borrowing this.

I then browsed a little and their were steps,

Step 1- kiss her every time you're not doing anything.
Step 2-buy her flowers, or a simple rose.
Step 3-be clingly. Hold her hand always, wrap your arm around her etc.
step 4-compliment her everyday.
Step 5- when you think she loves you back already. Just take a deep breath. And say it. I love you,

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