Chapter 38 Chances

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Ross' pov

I never wanted any of this. I never wanted to be in a serious relationship. But looked what happened when I got her. My whole life changed. I started smiling for real. I heart began to beat faster. To all the girls I had, no one compared to her, nope, not even close.

Its nice hearing the soothing sound of the water, feeling the bits of broken crumbed seashells. Seating down with my head almost caged in my hands. Getting 5 messages every minute, probably from my family. But who cares, if anyone was in my situation. I just wanted someplace to think. Even if it means only till dawn.

I could imagine Laura right now. She would be laying on her bed with a school book, twirling a small pencil in her fingers. Letting her light hit the book. Wearing her usual nerdy girl outfit that I love so much.

But no. I couldnt imagine her like that today.

I could imagine her in her balcony, staring out to distances just like me. Thinking. Just thinking.


Laura's pov

When did my life turned out to be a big blur? To the point where i had the neighborhood player as my boyfriend.

Sighing out in my balcony, constantly checking the other side, knowing he's not there. He's probably at the beach. I know him to well for that. That was one of the many great things we had, knowing each other from skin to flesh.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound if my glass doors. Not wanting to see my dad, i was pretty glad to see my sister.


I just sent her a short fake smile and went back to looking out in the sky. She walks towards me and leans beside me.

Vanessa: I heard what happened.

I closed my eyes as I hide the fear.

Laura: how did you know...

Vanessa: rydel.

Of course she knew right away. Ross is pretty much an open book. Im guessing her sister can read him directly.

Laura: its my fault....., he probably hates me right now. (I say lowly)

She pats my back and tries to comfort me.

Vanessa: hey, stop that. I've seen the way Ross acts when he's with you. Trust me, that loverboy would give up his house for you.

I sighed at her words

Laura:for some reason thats not helping.

Vanessa:sorry, not used to giving my sister love advice. I mean, he is your first boyfriend.

I nodded slightly at her statement. What help could she give me. Besides cheering me up i guess.

Laura: ness i still love him.

A single sentence can change everything. From the moment each person says "hi" or "sorry" or even "do i know you?" Can lead to a very interesting new journey.

Vanessa: i know.....

Her head perks up to the other side of the balcony and glances back to me.

Vanessa: but don't tell me that, tell it to someone that matters. (She said while eyeballing to the other end.

Knowing her actions i could already sense that ross is back home.

Vanessa:i'll see you downstairs, dinner is almost ready.

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