Chapter 35 The Life of a Marano

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Laura's pov

A stood in the means of fright and nervousness. My dad giving me a stern look that I barely see. He slowly taps his feet just like any mad father would be. their....somthi-..

Dad: shouldn't you be studying?

I was cut of by what he said. He knows that this is my regular study time.

Laura:dad i was just...

Dad:just with your boyfriend. Yeah, i know.

He slowly walks to the window, used his hand to move away the curtain a little and peek through. He watches as they continue to skateboard outside.

Dad: that delinquent

Laura:he's not a delinquent.

My dad looks back to me with no emotion.

Dad: your principal called.

I then gulped as i shake slightly. Did i do anything wrong?

Dad:she said, ross was sent to the office because you two were shouting at the halls.......but ross decided to take the blame.

Laura:h-he did.

Dad: the principal gave you a warning laura. She doesnt expect this coming from you. One more rebellious thing from you and its no more boyfriend time for you! Is that clear? (He says strictly)

I couldn't say a word as i just slightly nod and bow my head.

Dad:good. Now go upstairs and fix your things for tomorrow.

I kept my head bowed as he passes by me to go to the kitchen.

I then made my way to my room with this feeling inside of me that i cant explain.


(Next day)

Ross' pov

Woke up next morning, feeling this uncomfortable pain in my back that i was laying on. I rolled over to see that it was just my phone. I must've slept beside it cuz i remember waiting for laura's reply.

I quickly took it and i saw one text message from her.

From laura to ross: went to school early, sorry for not replying last night.

That message made me feel a slight sadness in my body. She went to school without me? Must've just been an emergency with the student council or something.

But that wasnt the only thing that bothered me. She usually leaves a "<3" on the text or a "love you :*"

Ok maybe im just over reacting.....

After a minute of debating with my head i decided to shrug it off and jump out of my bed to get ready for school.

As it took my shower, let the hot water fall down my body, i couldnt stop thinking about laura. I hope everything's ok.... But, knowing her, she'll eventually answer her problems.

After showering for like 10 minutes, i put on my usual clothes, grabbed my bag and went out to school.



Laura's pov

Standing next to raini who was fixing her locker. Currently bitting my nails as i look from left to right. My head turning, my foot tapping.

Laura:raini can you hurry up?

She then looks at me with one quirked eyebrow.

Raini: you cant avoid ross forever.

Laura: I-I...Im ...not ....avoiding ross.....

She then gave me a smirk with eyes saying "oh really"

Laura:ITS TRUE! (I protested)

Raini: you hid under your book during every class, you went to the restroom everytime he would call your name, you didnt come to lunch because he was waiting for you.

Laura:(i sighed) ok look its not like i-..


My body then froze and i look back to see him waving his hand at me. I then look back at raini

Laura: GottaGoRainiSeeYouLater! (I say quickly)

I then started to run wherever my feet take me.

I could still hear him shouting , following me. I then turned to a corner and hid.

Ross:laura? Laurrrra?

It breaks my heart knowing i've been fading him out the entire day. I heard his footsteps walk away and i decided to peek....

As i look he wasn't in the corridor. I let my full body went out the hall, how could he disappear that easily?

I then felt a quick grab in my waist and mouth as i was pulled into the janitors closet as i try to scream for help.


I was trapped in the closet as the person lets go of me, i lights went on to see....

Ross: why have you been ignoring me all day.

I was still breathing heavily as i try to calm down.

Laura:I... No im not..

Ross: laura I know when you're lying. So please tell me! Is there something wrong?

Laura:(i sighed) no....nothing's wrong.

Ross: then why are you ignoring me?

I slightly bowed my head, not knowing what to answer.

Laura: its.....nothing. (I sighed) i have to go.

Before my hand even reached the door knob, he grabbed my wrist and i looked back at him.

Ross: laura, you can tell me anything. (He assured me)

I looked at his confused hazel eyes, couldnt really concentrate on the battlefield in my mind.

Laura: i know i can........just not everything.


U think i was done with wattpad? Ha, think again lovelies ;)


Ive been super busy and all that. But whats important is this, December will be a huge part in my account. 2 new books that im sure you've heard of already in IG. Christmas specials in Books.

"Some things are meant to be kept to ourselves"

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