Chapter 33 Thats Romeo for ya

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Laura's pov

Next day at school. I was at my locker talking to raini who was right beside me.

Raini: sooo, ross is pretty romantic.

Laura:hmm yeah, he's pretty romantic. But sometimes it goes to much and its cute to watch.

I didnt realize that i was smiling as i place my books into my arm.

I closed my locker and i looked over to trish who was smirking

Laura:(i furrowed my eyebrows) what?

Raini: i've never seen you like this before. Jenny told me you used to only think about school. And now look at you.

Laura:well......i dont feel any different.

Raini: its ross, he's changing you, in a good way (she laughed slightly)

Laura: well.... Ross is my first boyfriend. ,im just enjoying. (I explained)

Raini: he's done so many romantic stuff on you.

Laura:no he hasnt. (I say cockblocking her)

Raini:you walk together to school everyday

Laura:umm hello? We're neighbors. (I say in a duh tone)

Raini:he gave you a sweet speech when you two fought,

Laura:totally normal...

Raini: he gave you a marshmallow stuffed toy.

Laura: it was only like 3 dollars.

Raini: he made a shrine of you in his locker.

Laura:ok raini get to the point! Ok fine he does alot of romantic stuff on me, soo?

She just looks at me for a few seconds before speaking.but the next thing she said.....stopped my world

Raini:what have you done for him?

Laura:wh-what do you mean....

Raini: me and ross are not really that close. But i have a friend, who ross liked in the past. She said that she was ross' first target.

Ross never told me about his first girl before.

Laura:(i gulped) a-and?

Raini: ross was still not a player back then. He thought he was inlove. He would give her everything she wants. But she felt bad.., cuz.....she didnt do anything or give anything to him. She was pretty poor eversince her parents got broke. Soo she felt like she was using ross. So she moved away leaving ross heartbroken.

I've never heard That before. Why wouldnt he tell me.

Laura:wh-why are you telling me this?

Raini: im just saying, ross gives you everything. You should show him that you appreciate it more.

I appreciate his doings. Isnt it enough? Do i think its enough? Its enough.......right? Oh gosh i hate raini right now. But i also love her since she told me a never before seen side of ross.

Was that the story behind his being a player?

Laura: what should i do?

Raini:just show him you really really really appreciate him.

How am i suppose to do that.


Raini:heads up, hear comes lover boy (she cuts me off)

I look to the hall and saw ross

Laura:oh my gosh rain-......raini?

Ughh she's gone.

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