Chapter 28 First and Last

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Ross' pov

My eyes still couldnt focus on anything else besides the diary that was before me. She's moving?! Is she serious!?

I then sat up immediately and i think i woke her up

She squinted her eyes and weakly smiled at me

Laura:hey....wh-why are you still up? (She said while sitting up lazily)

I open the lamp to get some light

Ross: do you mind explaining this?! (I say strictly)

I showed her the diary and she squinted her eyes to read it...


Her smile fades away and looks at me with disbelief

Laura:ross im Not moving!


Laura:thats my old diary....(she says blankly, cutting me off)

My mouth just opened slightly, wow i should have thought this out more....

Laura:(she sighs) i cant believe you would think that i'll leave you . You know me better than that.

I became silent and just closed her diary. I placed it back under her bed

Laura: and i cant believe you still read my diary. Its private ross! (She protested)

I just look down to my fingers

Ross:i know...(i trailed off)

Laura:then why did you read it? (She asks strictly)

Ross: i just.... Wanted to know stuff...

She crosses her arms and widens her eyes

Laura:you wanted to know stuff?! As in my private stuff? Ross my diary is a place only for me! And only ME.

Ross:yeah i know....

Laura:and yet you still read it.

I let out a little sigh cuz we're basically having a small fight, that could lead to a big one

Ross: i just really needed to know stuff..

Laura: what kind of stuff. (She says blankly)

Ross:just stuff..(i trailed off)

She closes her eyes as she releases a frustrated sigh.

Laura:ross i dont care what reason it is, my diary is MY diary!

Ross: sorry.......i just really needed to-...

Laura: to know, yeah i got it. (She cuts me off) whats so important about this "stuff" anyway?

Ross:nothing.....(i say while avoiding her eyes)

Laura:why dont you just tell me?!

Ross: cuz i cant!

Laura:why not!?

Ross: its nothing (i argued back)

Laura:fine! Dont tell me. Im not even sure i can trust you anymore.

Hearing that sentence broke my heart into a million pieces . I stood up from the bed quickly and faced her.

Ross:fine, you wanna know?! I read your diary cuz i wanted to know stuff about our relationship! (I took a deep breath) .....i never really took love seriously till now,(i say more calmly) this is my first relationship laura, and.....i just......i just wanna know if im doing everything right.

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