Chapter 7 Walk to Remember

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Laura's pov

I got my things prepared, books, notebooks, notepads in case of writing emergencies, pens, pencils, guess im all set.

I grabbed my bag and i made my way downstairs.

Laura:bye mom im going to school.

Mom: wait! Dont you want breakfast.

Laura:no thanks! (I say while walking out the door)

I then started walking when i heard...someone shout "LAURA!"

I then turn around to see ross running.

Ross:hey laur!

Laura:(i giggled slightly) what?

Ross:can i walk with you to school?

Laura: like i even have a choice (i giggled)

Ross:i'll take that as a yes, now come on lets go..

We then started walking...

Ross:need help with those books?

Laura:no thanks i got it..

He then chuckles and rolls his eyes

Ross:come on give it to me.

He then grabs the 3 books in my hand and i didnt fought back cause they were really heavy.

Laura:(i smiled) thanks...

Ross: no problem....

There was silence and i just stared at the floor cause of the blinding sun.

Ross: sooo you sure you're ok? You know.....cuz of last night...

I then looked at him

Laura:of course i am.

Ross:i dont think so.....when my dad does that to other girls, they go home crying.

Laura:well like you said, im not an other girl ;)(i teased)

Ross: hahahaha i agree....

He then looks back to the road but i continue staring at him..

Laura: does your dad think you like me?....

He then stares back at me.

Ross:my whole family thinks i like you......

A small smile crept on my face when i heard that.

Laura:my whole family thinks you like me too....

Ross: dont flatter yourself.

If i look really closely...........i think.........ross......really likes me...........

Laura:(i giggled) to late, im already flattered ;)

Ross: dont you just hate it when they tease you about us?

Laura:yeah! Its soo annoying!

Ross: but i like it....

Ithen gave him a confused look.

Ross:the teasing, i like it..........

Laura:ok you're weird.

He then chuckles.

Ross: have you ever imagined what it will be like if we were dating?

I actually have.....but i cant tell him that!

Laura:(i giggled) no! Why would i image that?

Ross:well i have.....

He has though about it!

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