Chapter 14 Trust Thrust

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Laura's pov

The next morning, Me and ross are at our balconies, while we try to do our projects. Classes were suspended today cuz of a holiday.

Ross:but i dont get our project....

I just rolled my eyes playfully and smiled

Laura:dont worry, i'll do most of the work.

Ross:WHAT?! NO! I wanna help, .....i dont want my little marshmallow to be tired.

I giggled

Laura: im not a marshmallow, and dont worry, i'll do most of the work, im used to it.

Ross:well not this time, cuz im helping you.

Laura:ross.......(i whined)

Ross:laura......(he said imitating my voice)

Laura:i'll do most of the work and you just relax and watch me ;)

Ross: nope.

Laura:ross i said so.....

Ross:are we really gonna argue about this?

I just sighed

Laura:yes we are. :P

Ross' pov

Laura kept whining and whining about she should do all the work and she wont stop. -.-

I just sighed and leaned over to kiss her lips to let her stop talking.......

FIREWORKS ALL OVER MY BODY!!!!!! But i think she was a little awkwarded out......we arent really official....

I then pull away and she was smiling.

Ross:thats one way to shut you up (i smirked)

She then crosses her arms

Laura:what gives you the right to kiss me mr. Lynch? (She smirked back)

Ross:im basically your love interest. ;)

Laura:we havent made it official yet :P

Ross:soooo shall we make it official? (I smiled teasingly)

She just rolls her eyes

Laura: i dont date players...... Sorry (she pouted teasingly)

Ross:you said im not a player anymore. So that makes me qualified to be your boyfriend ;)

She then blushes like crazy.

Her smile then fades a little...

Ross:whats wrong? can i make sure i can trust you...

I was a little hurt at what she said...

Ross:what are you talking about? I've known you for years!

Laura:and so have i......., i've seen you with hundreds of girls ross......, after a while, you just get tired of them...

I hesitantly answers as i hear her pathetic answer.

Ross:laura i would never make you cry......,y-you know that....r-right?....

She bows her head with worry.

I leaned over and lifted her chin to face me. can trust me.....(i say softly)

Laura:i....i know i can......

Ross: then whats holding you back?...

Laura:(she sighs) the risk of my heart being broken....(she says softly)

She then gazes her eyes away from me again,

Ross: laura i would never break your heart........

She then looks back to me and i could tell in her eyes that she's made up her mind.....

Laura:thats the thing ross.......

She i became confused

Ross:what is?

Laura:it would be an honor to get my heart broken by you......

She continued smiling as i was emotionless......

I just cupped her cheeks with my hands as i lean in to kiss her.....she kisses back with passion in a soft yet sweet way...

Its amazing how a little touch can give you the biggest feeling you've ever experienced.

We then both pulled away and we stared into each other's eyes.

Ross:im sorry laur....... But i would never give you that honor....

Sorry short chapter

Raura ^.^

Trust thrust

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Please also read "she's my ex" , "the bf"

Trivia: in "the bf" ross and laura also got together in chapter 14

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