Chapter 55 Last Night

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Listen to a sad slow song while reading this if you could.


Laura's pov

They've played so many songs that I actually lost count of them. Another slow song played and of course wouldn't let go of me.

He has been by my side for the whole time on this dance floor. Im really having a great time here. Main reason? Ross. Of course who wouldn't be having a great time when your prom date is a talkative funny teaser.

Laura: my first prom and you're not letting me dance with anyone else but you.

That didn't sound like a complain to him, good because it wasn't. It was a sweet comment. There were so many girls interrupting and asked if they could dance with Ross. But Ross just declines every single one.

Ross: Im never letting you go.

I looked into his eyes deeply. As in really deeply. When people think of that, they may think its a bit of an exaggeration. How does one deeply look into another persons eyes?

Its actually pretty simple.

Out of sadness.Fear.Happiness.Hope. Anything structured by a powerful emotion.

Laura: never say never Ross... (I whispered)

Ross: what?

Im not sure if he heard it or not. Was it something you really didn't hear? Or was it something you heard that needed explanation? These weren't the right questions to be asked right now.

His eyes were confused, a bit hurt. My conclusion, he heard.

Ross:Laura... What did you just sa-...

He was cut of by a person's voice amplified by the speaker.

Principal: gather around everyone, Because its time to announce PROM KING AND QUEEN!

Everyone around us almost became like a stampede. But despite the number of people hitting us, we remained in our position. Us both staring at each other. One waiting for an explanation. One waiting for the right time.

I looked towards the stage and back at Ross, giving him a force smile. He smiled back a bit, it also seemed pretty forced. But he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

We both faced the stage, waiting for the announcement. Fingers crossed Laura. I have no intention to win, but if I do... That would actually be just magical.

I held Ross' hand which was above my shoulder. Tightly. Hold on to the people who you know will never let you go... Even if you will.

Principal: the moment you have all been waiting for...

Everyone stood in anticipation. The principal held an envelope, a toll of votes counted just minutes ago. By Ross' hold on me got tighter, I knew he was also hoping to win. But I know deep inside it wouldn't matter to him.

Our principal opened the envelope. Taking a peek inside and she gave everyone a shocked look just to tease us.

Everyone started cheering names of the nominees. Ross looked back to me. And I stared at him, He gave me a reassuring look. I know what that look means. Hope for the best, and be proud of whoever won.


Me and Ross both closed our eyes tightly and took a deep breath. I could hear Ross murmuring some word, hoping for us to win.


Everyone started clapping real loud. I slowly opened my eyes and looked directly to Ross. We were both like 10% disappointed. But it was alright. Johanna looked beautiful tonight with her midnight blue gown. And Brooklyn was pretty handsome too.

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