Chapter 13 Between us

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Laura's pov

Soo im in school, and yeah me and ross walked together again this morning, im starting to enjoy our walks more and more....

Im not even sure whats our status....but he got really sweet after i kissed him....., i told my sister the whole thing and she lectured me on, why did i make the first move. She thinks ross shouldve made the first move....but i couldnt help myself ok?

I was fixing my locker and grabbing books.

Suddenly ross leans to the locker next to me.

Ross:hey marshmallow

I then giggled, sooo nicknames is part of being a couple right?......i dont know....

Laura:marshmallow? Really?

Ross: sorry, im a little hungry

Laura:well, it is lunch time, come on.

I then closed my locker and he places his arm around me and we walked to the cafeteria.

Arm placement....., thats another sign of being a couple.

We entered the cafeteria and we sat down.

Ross:i'll get you something.

Laura:umm sure, buy me a pink lemonade. (I smiled)

Ross: sure thing.

He then walks away to buy me some lunch.

Ok...he's treating me lunch.....thats another sign....

Suddenly jenny sits next to me

Jenny:oh my gosh i think i just failed my english test

I giggled

Laura:i cant believe we're best friends

Jenny:well sorry ms. Goody two shoes but unlike you who studies everday, i love to have fun.

Laura:i know how to have fun! (I protested)

Jenny:yeah right, you obviously studies the whole weekend. (She smirked)

Laura:well not really.

She was then set back in shock


Laura:well.....i was hanging out with ross....

Jenny: hmmmm define "hanging out" ;)

I just rolled my eyes.

Siddenly ross came back with two pink lemonades, and one platter pf nachos.

Ross: here you go marshmallow.

Laura: nachos? Are you serious?

Jenny:did he just call you marshmallow? Whats going on between you two?

Ross sat down and i stared at him....he stares back and i know that he also doesnt know the answer.

Ross:ohh ummm......, laur?

Laura:ummm.......well.....we' jenny can you leave us for a sec?

She just rolls her eyes and stands up and leaves.

I then just started eating nachos and i could feel ross' eyes staring at me.


Ross: oh....umm nothing,.

I really dont want to talk about this right now....

---------ROMEO'S BALCONY--------

Still laura's pov

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