Chapter 57 Starting To Wait

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Ross' pov

I was chasing after her. She was mad for a for a reason. A reason I just cant explain

I held her wrist to hold her back.



She tried struggling but that wouldn't help against my grip. She finally stops as she sees there's no other hope of trying. She stares at me for second.

Laura: you need to wake up to reality Ross. Im leaving you. WAKE UP!

And thats when I jolted up.

I looked around. I was in my bed. I caged my head with my hands as mom was in my room picking up my clothes on the floor.

Mom: Ross wake up! you'll be late for school. I was having that bitter feeling of closing my eyes again. But I didn't want to. For two reasons, one is that I'll be late. Two is that i don't want to be in that nightmare again.

I slowly got up and did a little morning stretch first. It was a lazy morning. A morning not really fit for school.

Mom: honey hurry up, Laura's already downstairs.

My eyes then widened. And my body suddenly awoken.

Ross: SHE'S ALREADY HERE?! (I said in shock)

Mom just nodded and I hurriedly ran to the bathroom.

Laura's Pov

I was downstairs waiting in the couch for Ross talking to Rocky. Im really gonna miss this. Miss everything. Miss Rocky's entertainment. Miss Rydel's fashion advice. Miss Ryland's rocking tunes. Riker's brotherly protection, and Ross.

Rocky: so...Europe huh?

I nodded trying to force a slight smile.

Rocky: Remember Im a size large in t-shirts.

My smile then became real and I laughed a bit.

Laura:i'll keep that in mind.

We both laughed and soon Ross came running down the stairs and jerked his head towards us.

Ross:LAURA! You're here! Im sorry, kinda woke up late. (He said while scratching the back of his neck)

I just smiled at him and stood up from my couch.

Laura: its ok, school's over anyways.

Yeah so we have nothing to worry about school right now. Our final exams already ended and Prom is done. Its basically the times where you teachers sleep in the faculty room and you all roam around freely. As long as you don't get caught. What I'm I thinking, that sounded so rebellious.

We still needed to report to classes. Graduation practice. Announcement of grades and stuff.

Ross: well, shall we go?

I nodded and he holds my hand as we walk out his house and into his car.


Ross' pov

We were seated in class, constantly doing nothing. The teacher didn't even came in. So you would imagine what a mess is happening right now.

I however didn't care about the noise. Me and Laura moved our chairs closer to one another. Both staring into the eyes of the other. Cherishing the moment. Which reminded me of the nightmare I had. What was all that about?

Please do tell me these are one of those instances where the nightmare comes true to life... But Laura will never say that to me, right?

Laura: what are you thinking?

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