Chapter 22 Physically Fit

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Ross' pov

Back in school. The weekend ended quick and it sucks. I mean why do we get 5 days of school and only 2 days off school? Thats soo unfair.

I was fixing some stuff in my locker and grabbed my things and kissed one pic of laura posted in my locker and closed it.

Hmmm why kiss a picture if i can kiss her for real. Where is she? We walked to school together but we separated a while ago to get some things in our lockers

I walked around the school cuz the first subject starts in 30 minutes

I then spot her on her locker as usual.

Ross:LAURA MARANO! (I shout playfully as i approach her)

People gave me stares but i didnt mind them as i just looked directly at her

Laura:gosh! Dont come near me. (She jokes)

Ross:ouch babe. (I say while leaning on the locker next to her pretending to be hurt in the heart)

She just giggles while roller her eyes playfully.

Laura: i prefer marshmallow than babe. (She giggles)

Ross:whatever. lets head to science, so we can sit at the front again.

Laura:oh im not going to the first class.

My eyes then widened

Ross:laura marano cutting classes?!

She then gives me a look.

Laura:im not cutting classes, im excused from the first 3 subjects because of a board meeting with the student council.

Ross:AWWW! I wanna come! (I pouted)

She giggles

Laura:you're not part of the student board.

Ughh! I really wanna stay away from class for a while. Especially since laura wont be with me on the first 3 subjects.

Ross: bu-bu-bu-but im gonna miss you...(i say like a child)

She closes her locker and looks at me

Laura:i'll see you at P.E

I just groaned and nodded.

Laura: have fun without me (she teases)

She then passes me while i walk to class.

------ROMEO'S BALCONY-----

At science class, with my chin resting on my hands as i stare blankly at the board as the mr. Mackinly teaches.

Everything isnt the same without laura in class. She's the reason i listen in class.

But now that she's gone, mr. Mackinly paired me with a different lab partner. Her name is..........,well i dont really know and i dont really care. But she looks like the nerd in class. The ugly nerd. Laura's the hot nerd!

Girl: sooo you simply mix the oxygenated chloride to this co2

Ross:can you speak english?!(i say frustratingly)

Damn if this was laura, i would understand her immediately


Laura:ross just mix this substance with that.

Ross:oh you mean this oxygenated chloride?

Laura:(she giggles) yeah that one.

-end of daydream-

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