Chapter 60 Romeo's Balcony

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Ross' pov

This was the moment of every teen will have marked in their mind as one goal already achieved. We were already aligned again, this time on the side of the stage. One by one, names were called out along with awards and recognitions achieved.

Speaker: Laura Marano

I peeked through the line to see her walk up the stage

Speaker: Valedictorian. Excellence in the fields of Math, Management And Science. Congratulations.

She stole 3 awards plus valedictorian. That only leaves excellence in literature, earth science, home ed. Computer. History. Music &arts. P.E

Ellen and Damiano were clapping as they stood up from their seats. I also clapped in the line. Howling as well. Which got me into trouble for a while. Everyone beside me could see my support for her.

Some think of me as the best boyfriend ever considering that im letting Laura go to Europe. Some on the other hand, think of me as the stupidest.

For me. I see myself as 50/50

I took another step forward, as each student receives his/her chance on stage.

It didnt take a while and soon...

Speaker:Ross Lynch.

This is it. Lets see if my hard work for half a semester paid off. Since I was a transferee in the middle of the school year, they'll be getting my grades from my past school.

Speaker: Academic excellence in literature.

My head then shot up a little. I could hear an extra clap in the audience and shouts which must've come from my family. Literature was one of my best subjects.

I walked towards the Head of this school and he gave me a certificate. Along with the usual graduation initiations. I shook his hand and took a bow to the audience. I exited to the rig side of the stage. And I looked down to the award. I was hoping to be in the rank 10 because the finals were so easy. But I guess my past grades weren't that great. But this award is actually something already to me.

Ross:who would've thought... (I whispered to myself)

I started walking back to my seat. Receiving a lot of "congratulations" and pats on the back. I reached my seat and saw Laura with the biggest smile possible on her face. She had open arms. And like a kid, I hurriedly hugged her. I buried my face on her neck and swayed us a bit while hugging.

Laura: you did it.

I pulled away to see her face.

Ross:but im not in the rank...

Laura: you don't have to be...You proved something to day. And Im proud of you.

She's proud. What a angelic sentence to hear. I get what she's saying. Literature is already a major subject. And I'm getting so much happiness inside of me because she's proud. she's proud. Laura Marano, is proud of her boyfriend.

Ross: th-thanks... (I blushed)


We made it home. And I didn't went to my house. I immediately went to hers. It was 6pm. After the graduation, our parents took us to an all you can eat buffet. And yes we took hours there, Rocky and Riker basically finished all the shrimp in that restaurant.

I was helping Laura do her last minute packing. She leaves in a few. She needs to be early at the airport. Which sucks.

She places the last thing in her bag and zips it close. Hearing her zip her bag made my heart beat faster. Cuz every finished thing she had to do meant she's almost leaving.

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