Chapter 56 Distance To Make Us Fade

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Laura's pov

Yesterday was just perfect and hurtful. And yesterday just happened to be 2 hours ago.

It was 2:00am. And I'm not laid upon my bed. Because after what happened a while ago, there's no way I'm ever going to sleep the same way again. Ross and I are in our safe little Haven. The place where only we connect. A place for us.

I would actually like to call it somewhere only we know. But that wouldn't comply since its not hidden for just the two of us.

Ou balcony. Our oh so famous balcony. Still in my dress and destroyed make-up. He holds my hands. Rubbing them to make me feel this comfort. I was still trying to hold in my sadness. But every minute I feel a tear run down my cheek and Ross would wipe it off immediately and tell me something to make me feel better.

Ross: you know... We have all this time and yet we're really quiet. (He smiles)

I looked down for a minute at our hands. Hoping how long can we still be able to do these kinds of things. I looked back to him but not directly to his eyes.

Laura: sorry.

Ross' pov

She said that in a manner that was so soft, so sad, so buried in her own thoughts. I looked at the sky. Still no stars.

She was near crying again. I could tell. You don't have to be a mind reader to know that. You just have to know a person well. Well enough that every movement they do will leave a mark in your heart. I can't see her cry again at this time. Time is too precious. Time was too limited, even if it is described as limitless. Time may be forever, but our time is already ending.

I rubbed her hands again. Trying to give her warmth in this cold night.

Ross: hey... You know, one night. I looked up to the stars and I gave each star one reason why I love you.

She looked at me, interested.

Ross: It was fun. Each star I see became another reason or another mark of my love for you. I was doing great till I ran out of stars.

Her lips immediately curved to a short smile. Her tears stopped at the right time, about to slide out her eyes.

Ross: you see Laura. The reasons that I love you, are more than the stars in the sky that ever existed...

She blushed and slightly bowed her head.

Laura: but what about now? Not a single star in the sky...

The fact that she replied in a calm and smiling manner gave me this feeling of achievement .


I was trying to think of an answer. Great how will you pull this one off Ross? Needs to be cheesy. Sweet. Simple. I then stared at her eyes.

Ross: their hiding in the clouds.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

Laura: why?

Ross: cause when they saw you tonight wearing that dress... They must've gotten insecure.

She slightly giggles and rolls her eyes playfully. Im glad thats back. Im glad that I was able to make her forget about her sadness.

Even if it was just for a little while...

After a while of more pick up lines and teasing and laughing, we said our goodnight to one another, changed out of our prom attire and went to sleep.



Every Prom ends with a rest day, Which was today. I was awaken, not by the alarm clock, not by the sunlight. But my desire to see Laura.

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