Chapter 18 Days of remembrance

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Laura's pov

Another day in school. I was at the library and i was checking out some books for my project with ross.

I found 5 books that can be useful and i checked them out

Librarian:well hello laura. Glad to see my most active library visitor.

Laura:(i smiled) can i check out these books?

Librarian: hmmm you're only allowed to borrow 2 books at a time.

I then sighed

Librarian: but for you i'll make an exception.

Laura:REALLY!? Thanks mrs. Parker.

She just smiles at me and she checks them out for me.

After the library i then walked down the halls, it was free period.

I then went to my locker and i placed the books in. I heard whistles from guys since i was wearing another pair of short skirt that goes upto 1 inch above my knee.

I really dont feel comfortable wearing this. But rydel says it turns ross on ;)

I then heard running and i look to see ross coming towards me

He then hugs my waists from behind

Ross:HE HUGS! (He then kisses my cheek) HE SCORES!

I then giggled,

Laura: well thanks alot, now the whole school thinks we're dating.

Ross:(he smirks) which is true ;)

He keeps his hands on my waists as i continue fixing my locker.

Ross:whats up with you and your locker? You're like checking it every after class.

Laura:umm these are where my things are. Duh.

Ross:ohhh acting like a smarty pants are we?

I then rolled my eyes playfully as i close my locker.

I then turn around soo he was facing me.

Ross: can i take you on a date this weekend?

I was about to say i was gonna study but he cuts me off before i could say anything

Ross:and i know what you're thinking. You'll be studying all week. But i was thinking more of a study date.

Laura:study date? (I giggled)

Ross:yeah, my house.

Laura: i thought you already have your studies figured out.

Ross:but i wanna be in the honor i could be in the student board along with you.

I then smiled

Laura:you dont need to be at the student board just to be with me. I see you everyday.

Ross:but still......just let me do what i want. Ok?

Laura:(i sighed) finee....this saturday.

Ross:its a date. ;)

He then leans over and kisses my lips and i kiss back....

Mr. Gale: MR. Lynch! No harassing!

We then pull away

Ross:oh its ok, she's my girlfriend.

Mr. Gale: laura marano? Really?

Ok ouch? Ok i may havent had a love life in forever but really mr gale? Every teacher would never expect me to have a boyfriend, especially one like ross.

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