Chapter 5 inviting me for dinner?

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Laura's pov

Me and ross leaned against our balconies as i open my book, tutoring him in science.

Ross:i still dont get it....

I sighed, we have been studying for 2 hours

Laura:its simple, biology is the study of biotic and abiotic factors. Meteorology is the study of weather an climate.

He scratches the back of his neck.

Ross:ok......i think im getting it....

Laura:why all the sudden studying? I thought you didnt care about grades?

He then looked down and scratched the back of his neck.

Ross:well.........umm....i got....motivated.....

Laura:motivated? ( i say while raising my eyebrow)


He hates studying, grades, the whole school idea, he hated it.

I then closed my book.

Ross:are we done?

Laura:ummm yeah. (I forced a smile)


There was an utter silence as i stare at the sunset as he stares at me..... Gosh why is he doing that...

I then looked back to him.

Laura:can i ask you something?

Ross:sure....(he trailed off)

Laura:whats the real reason you wanted to study?



Ross:i just want good grades....

Laura:you hate studying and grades.

He then started acting weirdly

Ross:well....maybe its time for a change... (He smiled)

I wasnt use to him like this, he would usually just be strumming his guitar or calling girls,

Ross' pov

Ok ok ok, i never said i hated school. I just wanted to impress a certain girl.........

Ross:sooo wanna do something?

Laura:umm no, i need rest.

Ross:whaaat? Its only 5:30

Laura: i need to help my mom prepare dinner.

Ross:why dont you have dinner at my house?

Laura:(she giggles sarcasticaly) yeah and let rocky spill juice all over me?

Ross:that was like 2 years ago....

Rocky once came in my balcony and gave me and laura some juice but he spilled it all over laura.

Laura:still......i have never been in your house before.

Ross:yeah, dont you think thats weird? We have been best friends and neighbors for 5 years and you still havent seen my house?

Laura:sooo? You have never been to my house either. (She argued back)

Ross:come on....please. It will be fun...!(i say trying to convince her)

She bits her lip and looks at the sky

Laura:i dont know.....

Ross:come on pleaseeeeeeee......

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