Chapter 24 Look im sorry

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Ross' pov

Finally got home and if you're wondering, yes,i drove laura home. But she just looked out her window during the car ride. It took me forever to get her in the car.

So anyway, i was laying in bed as i look to my glass doors to see laura sitting on her bed, reading. She didnt bother looking up.

Ok i cant take this anymore. I stood up and went out to my balcony. Held onto the edge and jumped to her side. She didnt seem to notice cuz she was busy reading her book.

I then knocked n her glass doors and she looked up. I gestured her to open. The door and she stood up and opened it.

Laura:what are you doing?

Ross:can i come in?

She stares at me for a few seconds before moving aside and letting me in.

Laura sat back on her bed and i sat down next to her.

Ross:whatcha doing?

Laura:just studying..... (She says while looking back on her book)

Ross:(i sighed) look i cant stand the fact that you're upset at me for nothing. I told you nothing happened between me and-

Laura: i know that (she cuts me off)

Ross:then stop being like that to me, you know i hate it when you're like that to me.

Laura: stop being like what? (She said like it was nothing)

Ross:stop that.

She sighs and closes her book. She then looks at me.

Laura:ok im sorry................, im just scared to loose you.

Ross:what? You'll never loose me laur.

She then looks down and played with her fingers.

Laura: ross you attract girls like its nothing. Each and every one is drooling over you.

Ross:i dont care about them, i like you more than them, more than anyone.

A small smile then crept on her face.

Laura: weeks have passed and i still cant believe you're my boyfriend. (She slightly giggles)

Ross:(i smiled) well believe it babe.

Laura:wanna help me study?

Ross:(i groaned) i dont wannaaaaaa....(i pouted)

She rolls her eyes playfully as i fall back on her bed.

Laura:just dont distract me then.

-------ROMEO'S BALCONY-------

Laura's pov


Finally done studying, me and ross are currently on my balcony. I was leaning on the edge as he wraps his arms around my waists from behind and resting his chin on my head.

We were staring out in the night sky just watching the stars

Ross: you know i never thought that after years of being neighbors, you'll be my first girlfriend.

Laura: i know right......

I then turned around so that i was facing him, still with his arms wrapped around me.

Ross: what is it with your eyes that i cant stop staring at? (He says teasingly)

Laura:(i smirked) oh so you wanna flirt right now?

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