Chapter 21 Only From Me

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Laura's pov

Me and ross are still at the mall and after eating we decided to go to the arcade.

Ross:watcha wanna play?

I then looked around trying to find a good game. I then spot the just dance game and i grabbed his wrist and i dragged him there.

Ross:oh no, im not going to dance.

Laura:what? Come on! You love dancing, aren't you like a hip hop dancer?

Ross:yes im a dancer but all those dance moves in that game are lame.

I then leaned my head to the right cutely and gave him my puppy dog eyes.

Ross: dont give that look.

I the pretended to have a teary eye while doing the puppy dog eyes.

Ross:im not doing it laura....

I then added my pouted lips to my face.

Ross: lauraaaaaaa (he whined)

I blinked my eyes cutely a couple of times.

Ross:(he groaned) alright.......

Laura:YAY! (I said while changing my face back to my normal self)

He rolls his eyes playfully and he inserts the coin in.

Laura:what song?

Ross:(he just sighs) you pick

I then picked one and the song played. Me and ross started copying the moves on the screen and everyone gathered and watched.

Ross:laura this is embarrassing! (He says while doing the dance moves lazily)

I on the other hand am doing the dance moves in a hyper way while giggling

Laura:dont mind them ,just dance (i giggled)

He does the dance moves still in a lazy way till the song ends.

He places his arm around me and drags me away from the just dance machine.and passes thought the crowd.

Ross:we're never doing that again

I then giggled as he brings me to the claw machines with the stuffed toys inside.

Ross:want one?

I then smiled and nodded.

I leaned on the wall next to the machine and watched as He inserts a coin and tries his best to grab me the stuffed animal.

After a few more tries he couldnt grab one.

Ross:this machine is broken.

I then giggled

Laura:uhuh, im sure thats the problem (i said sarcastically)

Ross:it is! (He protested)

The guy next to us was also trying to get an animal. After his first try he was able to grab a stuffed animal. He then notices me staring and he approaches me

Guy:umm here you go miss. (He then hands me a stuffed panda)

Laura:ohhh ummm .awww thanks...

Ross then placed his arm around me and glared at the guy

Ross:beat it.

The guy then took a few steps back and ran off and i giggled at him

Laura:he got me a panda! (I say while rubbing it literally in his face)

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