Chapter 41 First Morning

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Laura's pov

Awake. Wide awake. Time, 9:00am. Hours i slept, 0. Thats right, I didnt sleep, I couldnt sleep. And you probably know why. Because of what happened last night.

Did he hear everything? Or did he just woke up after I gave him a kiss and said 'i love you'? My mind overtook last night. I actually dont know what to expect today. My eyes feel hurt and tired. Not being shut for a short rest.

I could hear ross snore. I've been waiting for him to wake up. We were both facing left, while he hugged my waist. Last night has got to be the worsts, most embarrassing nights of my life! But did he really hear everything? Gosh I hope not.

Moments later, I could feel him moving and waking up. My body then froze. This is it. Time of knowing. I could feel him slightly groan and started sniffing my hair.

Ross: good morning (he said in his morning voice)

He probably noticed i was already awake. But i didnt face him yet.

Laura:uhh......g-good morning.

He removed his hand on my waists and slightly sat up. I now turned around and did the same.

He's not that clingy.....maybe....he didnt hear what i said last night.

Laura:s-sooo..... Had a good sleep?(i smiled trying to ease the tension)

Is there even tension? Or is it just me?

He stretched his arms and all i could focus on was his well toned chest. I mean have you seen this boy? You cant blame me from staring.

Ross: it was great. (He said while facing me with a smile) you?

Laura: couldnt really sleep....

He just scrunched his shoulders and grabbed his phone.

Ross: couldnt sleep? Why not? (He said with his eyes focussed on his phone)

I then started playing with my thumbs. Trying to think of an explanation. Did he really not hear?


Ross:is it because of what happened last night?

Last night?!?! Soo he did hear?!? GOSH THIS IS SOO EMBARRASSING!

Laura:y-yeah.... About last night......

He placed his phone down and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Ross:hey, we've been dating for 6 hours and you're still awkward? (He chuckles)

Soooo.....we're back together?


We've locked eyes on each other as if it was love at first sight again. dating...ok? (He laughs awkwardly)

A huge smile then slowly appeared on my face and gradually grows.

Laura: dating is...perfect....

Now we were both smiling like idiots. Smiling like it was our last day of our lives. I didnt even care about my dad anymore. Im old enough to make my own decisions.

As we were in the moment. A bang on the door interrupted. Vanessa.

Vanessa:LAURA? WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO? (She shouted at the other end of the door.)

I looked back to ross with wide eyes.

Laura:get back to your balcony (I whispered)

We both quickly stood up as he ran back to his side of the balcony, with Vanessa still banging hard on my door.


I then walked to my door and opened it.

Laura:heyyyy ness! Whats up?

She then pushed me aside and entered my room. Rude.

Vanessa: who were you talking to?(she said while circling around)


She then faced me and gave me a mysterious look.

Vanessa: I thought i heard a guy's voice.

Laura:o-oh...probably ross....(i giggled awkwardly) we were in the balcony.

Vanessa: i thought you werent talking to anyone?

Laura:w-well.....i didnt think ross would count since he is my neighbor.


She then went out my balcony and i quickly followed.

Vanessa:oh hey ross.

Ross:HEY! Vanessaaaaa! What are you doing here?....(he trailed of)

Vanessa:just checking on my sister. Were you in her room?

Ross then looked at me and just gave him a 'just go with it' look.

Vanessa:oh nothing.....

Vanesa then turned around and pretended to fan herself with her hands while mouthing the words 'he's hot' and winked at me this time with a thumbs up.

She then left my balcony and back in my room. I let out a sigh of relief. That was close...

I then gave ross a stern look signaling that this will never happen again. He just just looks at me like a confused kid.

Ross: what?

I rolled my eyes and went to the edge of my balcony. To be near him.

Laura:that was close....

Ross:real close..

Thats when i heard a voice at my back.

Vanessa:oh ross, you forgot your shirt and phone in the room.

I didnt look back as my eyes went wide open again. I saw ross awkwardly smiling at the voice's direction.

And With that i knew Vanessa was gone, and it proved that she'll always get me.




Ross' pov

Still here at our balconies and i was watching laura walk back and forth

Laura: what if she tells dad? What if she-..

Ross:ok laur, can you calm down? Listen your sister has a thing frim my brother riker, and if she tells your dad, i'll make sure he wont be able to see riker again.

She stopped walking and gave me a slight glare.

Laura:is that suppose to make me feel better?

I rolled my eyes playfully and just gave her an assuring smile.

Ross:ok look, stop worrying, cause you said it yourself. Who cares about what your dad thinks.

She looks down to her feet then back to me. Couldn't really read her face.

Laura: I know. This is our relationship. Not his.

Ross: good girl. I'll talk to you later. Gonna have breakfast.

Laura: yeah me too.

I leaned in and so did she. This felt so common, so usual. Our lips connected, and gosh i missed this. This feeling that only she could bring. The feeling of a fixed broken heart.

We pulled away smiling.

Laura returned my shirt and phone. Before we both went down for breakfast.




Gosh the year is almost over. Its been great.

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