Chapter 42 Midnight Moments

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Laura's pov

These are one of those days where you just wanna say " wow could this day get any getter?" And then it did get better.

Its a weekend so thats probably one reason to be happy right. Im all cooped up in my room, sitting in front of my study table. As i just try to use my laptop watching movies.

As I was in the middle of "If I Stay" (great movie by the way), my phone vibrated. I checked out what it is and it was a text from ross. Why text me when he's only like one balcony away.

-Text conversation

Ross: does it hurt loving me?

He must be really bored. I smiled at his text and replied.

Laura: yes 😂

He instantly replied back which caused me to pause the movie for a while, since our conversations usually last for hours, even if we're only like a few steps away.

Ross:then why dont you stop loving me?

Laura: cause that would hurt me more.

Ross: :,) I love you so much. You know that?

Laura: yeah im pretty aware hahahaha :*

Ross: can we talk at our balconies?

-end if text conversation-

I didnt reply back and just stood from my seat and went directly outside to my balcony. And there he was, waiting. As he saw my both our faces seemed to have lightened up a bit.

Ross: hey...

Laura:hey... (I mimicked him) sooo you wanted to talk to me? Your text kinda seemed serious.

He slightly chuckles and just gives me a 'dont worry' look with a smile.

Ross:its nothing, I just really wanted to talk to you in person.

I leaned on the edge of the balcony, as usual. I scanned his face and he kinda looked tired. Whats he been up to anyway? He just got home, i could tell cuz he had his leather jacket on the floor and he was still wearing his converse.

Laura: you ok? Where have you been?

Ross:just at the skating rink, me, riker, rocky and ryland had a practice in hockey.

Laura: and you didnt invite me? (I pouted)

Ross: (he laughed slightly) it was a brothers thing. Sorry, but im here now........., what do you want to do?

I thought for a while for a decent activity we could no, Like him, i just really wanted to talk too. But I want to be cuddled up with him. But I cant risk Vanessa catching me again.

Laura: can we hang in your room?

His face immediately sprung up in shock. I just gave him a smile as he stares at me with confusion.

Ross: im sorry what? You. Want .to. Hang. In. My .room?

Laura:y-yesss....(i stuttered)

Ross: the last time I got you in here, you kinda placed me on the friendzone.

I slapped him playfully on the shoulder as he chuckles.

Laura: I did not friendzoned you! (I proclaimed)

Ross:oh whatever (he said with a smirk)

I just rolled my eyes as he reached out his hands to help me over the balcony. I accepted his gentlemen gesture and I lifted my bpdy across the other side.

Laura: thanks

Ross: come on....(he inter winded our hands while guiding me in his room)


Ross' pov

Its been hours, and me and Laura are still cuddled up in my bed. My arm rested perfectly around as she drops her head on my shoulder.

We were talking about Laura's celebrity crushes.

Ross: ok for the record, George Clooney is not as hot as me.


I then gave Laura a stern look and she just laughed. I rolled my eyes playfully as she just hugs my chest.

Laura: are you jealous? (She giggled)

I then moved mu head to my other side to avoid looking at her. She just continued giggling.

Laura: rossssss, come on I was joking, are you really jealous of my celebrity crush?

I still didn't face her and just stared at my ceiling. These were the moments where I loved teasing hear. My relationship goals have never been more fulfilled.

Laura: rossssss (she giggles) are you serious right now?

Ross: im not jealous ( I said trying to hide my smile)

I kept on avoiding eye contact but she grabbed my face to make me face her, So I just closed my eyes

Laura: do you love me? (She said in a teasing tone)

I could sense her face so close to mine. I could imagine her smirking, so I slowly opened my eyes with a slight smile on my face. I was trying to at least hold in my laughter.

Ross: im not jealous....

Laura:I think you are. (She laughs)

I just rolled my eyes and bitterly avoid her gaze again. Her giggling doesn't stop there. She once again grabbed my face to face her.

She made her body closer to mine, especially her face. She just smirked at me as I mirror her face.

She closed the gap between our lips which caused me to jump a little. I relaxed and started kissing back, but once I did, she immediately pulled away.


She just smiles and stood up from my bed.

Laura: im going back to my room. (She said while creating that teasing face)

Ross: what? Why? We were having s moment there! (I try to explain with my arms)

Laura:(she giggles) no, I was having a moment. You on the other hand were having a jealous game.

She then turned around and started walking away to her balcony again.

Ross: WHAT? WHO SAID I WAS JEALOUS? LAURA COME BACK HERE,.....COME ON.. (I whined as she got further)



The next chapter is already written. Get this to 100 comments and I could immediately publish the next one ;) lets see how fast.


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