Chapter 19 Make it up as i go

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Ross' pov

I woke up next day feeling excited cuz today was the day i make it up to laura.

I got into my regular clothes and i grabbed my baquickly while running downstairs to outside.

I waited for laura to come out so we could walk together.

After a while she still hasnt come out. Im gonna be late.

I then knocked on their house door and her mom answered

Ellen:oh hi ross.....

Ross:good morning mrs. Marano, is laura coming out? We're gonna be late.

She then furrows her eyes in some what confusion

Ellen: didnt she tell you?she got to school early cuz she was gonna do something important.

What? Laura would never leave early without telling me.......

Ross:ohh....umm thanks. (I smiled)

I then turned around and i ran to school by myself....for the first time.

Knowing laura, i know that she wasnt gonna do anything important.....,she's ignoring me for sure.

Ughhh im not used to this boyfriend stuff.....


Laura's pov

Im in math class taking down notes. Ross still isnt here.......,ok now i feel bad.....i should have told him....., who am i kidding. Im just a little upset he forgot our one week anniversary.

I know i might be making a big fuss over this but.......still right?

The doors then bursted open to reveal a sweaty ross, breathing heavily


Mrs harley crossed her arms and glared at ross.....,ok now i really feel bad

Mrs. Harley: mr lynch , care to explain why you're late?

Ross glanced over to me and back to her

Ross:i was kinda waiting for something that never showed up.

Mrs. Harley rolls her eyes and gestures him to take a seat. And he sits on his regular spot next to me.

I focused my eyes on my notes but i could feel ross staring at me.

Ross: little early arent we?(he mumbled enough for me to hear)

I glanced at him a little and he was definitely staring at me)

Laura:can we talk about this later?

He raises his arms up in surrender and he then listens to the teacher.

---bell rang---


I placed my things in my bag and suddenly ross grabbed my bag. And carried it.

Ross:how about you follow me today.

I just stared at him emotionless as he walks out the classroom. I sighed and i follow him.

He lead me to his locker and i leaned on the locker next to it with my arms crossed.

Ross:you mad at me? (He says while placing some things on his locker.)

Laura:what do you think?

He kept taking small glances at me and back to his locker.l

Ross:i think you're gonna break up with me.....

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