Chapter 27 Tease

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Laura's pov

Me and ross were walking back home and he did nothing but tease me about my diary.

Ross: august 14,2014 dear diary, ross kept staring at me during math class, i just pretended to look cute so he wouldnt stop (he chuckles)

Laura:(i groaned) alright alright! I think we've established that my whole diary is all about you.

I looked the other way while crossing my arms.

Ross:awww is someone mad? (He teases as he places his arm around me)

I just rolled my eyes as we continue walking. We reached back to our houses and im a little exhausted. We stopped in front of my house first.

Ross:i'll see you tomorrow.

He held both of my hands and lightly swung them back and forth. He just smiles, not wanting to let go.

Laura:i better not catch you sneaking in my room and reading my diary again.

Ross:(he chuckles) no promises.

I just rolled my eyes and let go off his hand, i turned around a out to walk inside.

Ross:what? No kiss?

My hand stopped at the door knob as i turn around to face him wih a smirk on my face.

He had his hands in his pockets, smiling cutely waiting patiently for a kiss.

I walked back to him and leaned to give him a quick peck on the cheek.

Ross: im not satisfied.

I then giggled, he can be such a flirt sometimes.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waists. I moved my head closer till our foreheads touch.

Laura: you're such a guy.

Ross:(he smiles) just shut up and kiss me.

I giggled slightly as i lean in and close the remaining space left between our lips. He immediately kissed back and it lasted for seconds which seemed like hours.

He licked my lips asking for entrance, i pulled away slightly giving him a slight smirk

Laura:thats enough for the day.

Ross:awww! (He pouted like a 5 year old)

I giggled as i unwrap my arms around his neck. I was about to walk inside but his arms were still around my waists. I gave him a look and he was just smirking.

Ross:you're not going anywhere.

I giggled slightly while rolling my eyes playfully.

Laura:ross its 6:30pm, and im tired. (I say lazily)

Ross:come on, its still early, and besides, its a weekend.

Laura:no, i wanna sleep. (I pouted)

Ross:come on lets go to a party and get drunk.

I then crossed my arms and gave him a look.

Ross:im kidding of course. (He chuckles)

I shook my head and removed his arms around me.

Laura:im going to bed. I need to wake up early tomorrow.

Ross:(he furrowed his eyebrows) why?

Laura: we're visiting our relatives, its a 3 hour drive.

His eyes then widened

Ross:WHAT? You're leaving tomorrow?! What am i suppose to do on a weekend!?

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