Chapter 10 Questions

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Ross' pov

Friday friday friday! My favorite day! We only have 4 classes today and then we could go home!!

I fixed my bag and made sure everything was there.

I then went downstairs and out the door without saying goodbye.

I then spotted laura waiting at her front door


She then looks at me and i waved

She giggles as i approach her.

Ross:awww you waited for me?

Laura: you said we'll walk together everyday remember? (She giggles)

Ross: yeah yeah yeah, come on. Oh and give me those books

We then started walking as i carry her books.

Laura: you seem jolly today.

Ross:cuz its a friday!!!!!!!!(i say cheerfully)

Laura: is that the main reason? Or do you just wanna spend time with me after school ;) (she teases)

Ross:pretty much both.

She giggles

Laura: sometimes i just think, you have a small crush on me (she teases)

Ross:cuz i do,

Laura:awwww really? (She smiles)

Ross:yup. Thats why im taking you to prom.

She then giggles

Laura:i havent said yes to that yet.

Ross: whatever, im not worried, i know im taking you to prom.

Laura: so you really have a crush on me? (She slightly giggles)

Ross: yup, and im proud.

Laura: i dont date players mr. Lynch

Ross: im not asking you to date me, i just said that i have a crush on you.

Laura's pov

I knew ross had a crush on me! I just knew it! I love his honesty when it comes to crushes, love, dating...basically anything that has to do with girls.

Laura: well im flattered (i smiled at him)

Ross:thats all you're gonna say? I just told you i have a crush on you...(he pouted playfully)

Laura:(i giggled) what else do you want me to say?

Ross: that you have a crush on me to...

Laura: well sorry i dont. (I say teasingly)

Ross: awwwwww......

Laura: so am i that special girl you were talking about?

Ross: hmmmmm i cant answer that.

I then giggled

Laura:why not? Are you afraid to get rejected for once?

Ross: pleaseeee, like you will reject me.

Laura:i might, if you ask me out ;)

Ross: you will never reject me. Im a "sweetheart" (he says imitating my voice)

I then push him playfully.

Laura:i dont sound like that

Ross:meehhh you actually do.

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