Chapter 36 What could be avoided

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Laura's pov

11:00 pm and I'm still awake. I just wanted to feel the 'almost midnight' breeze. I don't actually care that its a school night. Well it doesn't make any sense to me anymore.

I looked down my balcony and just watched as some bits of grass sways with the wind. Sometimes i wish life could be easier, just go with the flow. Not minding anything, no staying up till homework is finished, no projects stressing you out.

My little daydream made me think, is this still the life i want. Dad wanted high expectation, i wanted a life. Everyone cheered for me to get in a relationship, but now that i have its like everything's backfiring on me.

What lesson am i suppose to be learning here. For once in my life i enjoyed doing something stupid. Well maybe thats all i need every once and a while.

I look down the ground, high up, and feel crazy. I found myself grabbing the edge of my balcony and stepping in the handle. Stood upright and sat at my balcony, still looking at the ground, with means of my death of this dangerous position.

My feet dangling as 30 feet below me is the ground. My hearing blurred as i closed my eyes trying to be calm.

My heartbeat racing faster as the wind began to fight. Thats when...i slipped.


It happened to fast. My body just launched forward to the cliff of my balcony, when someone grabbed my waist tight to prevent my fall. As is if, he was waiting just behind me this whole time.

Ross:what the hell are you doing( he says seriously in His low voice)

I looked back to him and i continue breathing heavily. He pulls me and i fix myself to the other edge of the balcony again.

Laura: I was.... I was just......

He looked at me emotionless and passed by me to go to my room. I looked at him for a few seconds before following him.

He was laying on my bed staring at the dream catcher hanging above it. I laid beside him, buried my head in his chest as he wraps his arm around me.

Slowly, tears rolled down my face.

Laura:ross....i-im sorry. (I say as he rubs my shoulder)

Ross: shhhh its ok.....stop crying

He brought one of his thumbs up my face and wiped my tears on my cheek.

Ross: hey cheer up, im not mad. (He said forming a small smile on his face)

Laura:i ....j-just...needed ...some time for myself.....

Ross: I understand, dont worry.

I stared at him feeling sorry for what im just thinking off. Feeling if i should do it.

Laura: ross i've been thinking...

Ross:of what?

Laura: what if i stop seeing you for a week?

His mood then turned upside down, its not that hard to notice

Ross:laura what are you thinking? (He said strictly)

Laura:or a month?

Ross:laura stop.

Laura: will my life go back to the way it was....

Ross: ok laura stop! Whatever is on your mind.....just.....STOP!....

Laura: ross i think we need a break..

He sat up quickly but never took eyes off me. I followed and watched him panicked.

Ross:laura you cant do this to me...(he said breathing heavily) i cant... I wont know what i'll do without you!

Laura: ross im sorry, but look whats happened to me so far. I barely see jenny, my grades and decreasing, the principal called me dad, and for what seems like everyone is expecting something from me.

Ross:laura pleaseeee. (He said with teary eyes) laura i dont wanna loose you. You're the best thing that happened to me....

Laura:you're the best thing that happened to me too....., but i ............guess i'll see you...... (I say coming back to tears)

I stood up and he did the same but freaking out.

Laura: ross i love you.

Ross: laura please, PLEASE!

I started pushing him out as he begs .

Ross:laura dont do this please......laura....LAURA PLEASE!

Laura: im sorry ross.

I got him out to my balcony and closed the glass doors and the curtains.

Hearing his shouts made me cry more, i leaned on the door and slowly went down to sit and cry in my hands.

Laura:just stop......please ......stop...


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