Chapter 40 2:15am

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Laura's pov

11:00 pm and here we are in my room, yes we, me and ross. And yes MY room, gosh if my dad finds out about this im surely dead.

Ross:soo watcha wanna do?

We were both in my bed as our backs hit the wall creating a semi sitting position. I stareda t him with furrowed eyebrows. I mean this sleepover was his idea anyways.

Laura: i kinda want you to leave.

Ross: oh come one this will be fun.

Laura:yeah, whats more fun than having a sleepover with your ex? (I say sarcastically)

Ross then gave me a stern look.

Ross:thats not funny.

Laura: (i giggled slightly) im just joking, you know i still love you.... (I say while leaning my head on his shoulder)

He looks down to me with a kind mixed confused smirk face. Well for starters this is kinda awkward

Ross:'s school? (He says immediately changing the topic)

Laura:fantastic (i say sarcastically)

He then laughed a little at my answer. Cant blame him thou.

Ross: oh do tell me ms. Marano. What makes school less interesting now?

I rolled my eyes playfully as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

Laura: well.....before, studying was my hobby. Now, it seems like a high expectation.

Ross: cant really understand but lets go with it. (He jokes)

I slightly giggled as i cuddled up closer to him. Technically i still can do these things right? I mean i have told him that i still love him. Its like we're both single, we're both taken. Ugh its complicated.

I watched as he played with his phone. I find it kinda cute that im still his wallpaper, at the same time kinda creeped out since i never knew i had a picture like that.

Laura: do you still sleep shirtless?

He stopped playing with his phone amd gave me a weirded out look with a slight chuckle.

Ross:what did you just say? Do i still sleep shirtless?

Laura:just a thought....

Ross:uhuh, sure it is.

I averted my eyes away kinda embarrassed i mean what the heck laur? I looked back to him and his shirt was gone.

Oh gosh hope I sleep tonight.

Ross: better? (He smirked)

Laura:oh shut up.


Ross' pov

Time check 12:30 am. And we're 40% awake and 60% asleep. The lights were already off. We were already laying down, a soft cozy blanket covering us. Still cant believe laura agreed to this.

Well....our status is kinda weird right now. We're both single......but.....nah i dont wanna explain, its complicated.

Soo as i was saying or thinking. Me and laura were basically just staring at the ceiling, making my arm as her head pillow. Telling stories till our eyes call it a day. She was telling me stories on how she is focusing on physics this week

Ross: laur i dont want to sound rude but i dont really care about physics. (I said with a slight yawn)

Laura: sorry, just trying to come up with a boring topic to male us fall asleep.

Laura looked more awake than i was. Im always sleepy. I dont really get it. I choose to not question.

Ross: oh you want boring topics? Ok here's a story about how Rocky first discovered rocky road ice cream.

Laura: heard it 10 times already.

Ross:what? How?

Laura: rocky sometimes texts me.

Whoa, never knew they were that close. But im not jealous. I mean, rocky does have a girlfriend. I think. I sometimes look at his messages. He keeps texting this girl for the past 3 months. Cant really call that a platonic relationship.

I kept yawning and laura seemed to notice how my eyelids would shut and i would force them to open.

Laura: sleepy? (She giggled)

Ross:whaaaaaaat? No......

Laura: lets get some shut eye. You seem tired.

Ross: way ahead of you (i say as i close my eyes)

I hugged laura's waist and let my mind take me to sleep.


Laura's pov

Time, 2:15 am. Pretty late and im still awake. Me and ross were facing each other. I watch him sleep cutely.

Ross looked peaceful. But quite happy, you're probably wondering how i know, well i just know he is. I mean for one thing he's sleeping cuddled up to me.

I really missed him clingy, sweet, as a boyfriend.

Why did i ever start this drama freak show? I couldve had the time of my life these past few days. Everyday i wonder, if me and ross are still together what would be the difference of the events today?

I admit this is all my fault, my fault for breaking his heart, my fault for not managing my time well for school and a relationship. I just wanted him back.

A part , wait no, not just a part, but my whole conscience is telling me " JUST GET BACK WITH HIM"

I watched as I spot a slight curved smile on his lips, hardly noticeable thou.

Ok, just practice laur.

Laura: ross (i whispered) look about what no no, to dramatic.

Ok relax can do this. I mean my sister does it all the time, on again off again relationships. Yup vanessa's into those.

Laura:ross, since we're both wanting to be not just friends. I should be the one asking you out. Breaking up was my fault. And i think getting back together should rely on me as well. Soo what im trying to say is, will you take me back?

I feel all stupid inside for what i just said infront of a sleeping ross.

I smiled while staring at him. Ok laura, just do the same thing tomorrow...

Laura:i love you ross.

I pushed my body slowly forward to give him a soft gentle kiss on the cheek. I went back to my original position slowly trying not to wake him. I rested my head closer to his chest to feel more comfortable.

I then closed my eyes. Feeling a bit shaky.

But as i was about to fall asleep, i felt lips landing on my forehead.

Ross: i love you too.





Soo this is kinda my gift to you, a sweet chapter with raura...........back together?

100 comments, 150 votes is my target for this chapter so please help me. :)

Love you my balcony readers

-R.L Moon.

Oh and please check out my new book "Every Girl" here :

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