Romeo's Balcony

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Ross' pov

Music, rock, pop, badboy, handsome, sweet yup thats me, im ross shor lynch. And what best describes me? Well i am a player. My mom and dad thinks that its bad to bring home a new girl each week or each day! But i cant help it, i love girls ;) but even my siblings dont like the idea....

There is only one person that gets me, and her name is laura, laura marie marano, she is my next door neighbor. Our balconies are right next to each other, we always go out in our balconies just to talk to each other.....(like in the book cover)

Like i was saying, she's the only one that gets me. Our balconies have glass doors, soo she see's everything i do in my room, and i see everything she does as well.

She see's me with a different girl everyweek or day. And instead of shouting or lecturing me on how girls shouldnt be treated that way. She actually just laughs about it. She even rates which ones are the best.

Like yesterday i brought home another girl. She watches from her room and after the girl left, we both went out to our balconies and talked about the girl.

Ross:soo what do you think of that girl? Form a scale of 1-10

Laura:(she giggles) i say 3

Ross:what?! Why?!

Laura:well for starters, she kept pushinyou down to your bed like she was about to rip your clothes off (she smirked)

Ross:ughh fine, i'll find another girl tomorrow (i whined)

Laura:(she giggled) you're such a player.


Laura:well im heading to bed. (She smiles)

Ross:goodnight juliet ;)

She then smirked

Laura:goodnight romeo (she then walked back in her room)

She closed the curtains of her glass door and i just chuckled

I then did the same and went back inside and closed the curtains as well.

Laura's pov

Ok im laura marie marano, aka ross' personal love adviser hahaha. I've been neighbors with ross for 5 years... And each day we would both come out our balconies and just talk....

I dont really care if he's a player. Cause he is really sweet and fun to talk to. I should know cuz i've been talking to him everyday for the past 5 years.

Anyway, he usually lets me rate the girls he brings home. And trust me, they are all just sluts. I've seen the way he talks to girls in his room, all the girls want to do is get in bed with him. But ross pushes them away until they leave, once they leave he comes out the balcony and talks to me.

I was the only girl he never pushed away...., he calls me juliet, i'll tell you all about it later.

And i call him romeo......, but no i dont like him,,....and he definitely doesnt like me......

But who knows...


This story is going to replace "whats it like to fall inlove"

Hope you guys like it


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