Chapter 59 A Last Midnight With You

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Ross' Pov

4 People actually yelled at me today. My parents, and Laura's parents. My mom and dad lectured me on my was the car seats soaking wet. And me saying "because our clothes were wet" wasnt such a good answer.

Laura's parents just gave me a glare but i could hear her parents practically lecturing Laura and I heard my names being shouted like "THAT ROSS IS REBELLIOUS!" So I went to their house and apologized. They understand and let this one slide since she was leaving tomorrow. I was in her room, we were laid on her bed.


26 hours left. 26 hours to spend time with each other. She was already packed. Her room, almost cleared. She wasn't finished, but she stopped when I came by. I didnt want to talk in our balconies. I wanted to talk in person.

In our usual position, my arm over her shoulder. Not a second being wasted as we continued talking without stopping at a silence.

Laura: so, how about Jessica?

So far we were at the topic of girls I used to take home. Not my favorite topic but still. We needed something to talk about. Talk about anything, every thing. Every last detail. Just let it out. Before you regret not telling it.

Ross: Never liked her.

She laughs.

Laura:then why's you bring her home?

Ross: to irritate you. (I simply said)

She rolled her eyes and let out a sarcastic sigh. That was actually true. It was just to irritate her that day.

Laura: well you did annoy me a little with her.

I remember I brought her out to my balcony to meet Laura. She didnt like her one bit. I knew how Laura hated people like her. She gave her a 0/10 in score. The first 0 Laura ever gave.

Ross: were you jealous? (I smirked)

She slaps me playfully.

Laura: I didn't have feelings for you back then.

Ross: but now you do.

I leaned my body to my left to face her. I played with her hair, waiting for her to create another topic.

Laura: what happens tomorrow Ross...

And that topic was the one I didn't want to talk about. I stopped playing with her hair as we both locked eyes on each other.

Ross: what do you mean?

Laura: I mean, what happens to you?

There was worry in her eyes. What happens to me? She should be looking out after herself. But knowing how stubborn this girl is... She'll always care for me, even if I don't need it, I want it. She wants it.

Ross: well what happens to me is I go to College as well. (I said in a 'duh' tone)

My intonation wasn't meant to be rude. It was meant to lighten up what was happening here. This topic leaves to another, and leads to sadness.

Laura: Ro...Ross.

She's breaking. Never a good sign.

Laura: I wa-want you to promise me something...

Her eyes became teary. But there was nothing I could do to stop it now. She needed to say something. Something that would be important to me when the time comes. I can't cut her off with a pick up line just to avoid her from crying.

Laura: don't change.

And those two words already left a marked in my head. I know what she meant. And this was a promise I'm gonna keep. There's no damn way I'm going back to who I hated to be. She might leave me physically. But JUST physically. I said to myself that I wouldn't make her cry tonight. But what shocked me is... A tear went down, not bu her eyes... But mine.

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