Chapter 32 BFF-BF-GF

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Laura's pov

Packing up everything cuz it was time to head home. Mom and dad were placing some stuff back in our car. vanessa was leaning on the tree,cutting her nails. And i.......i was watching ross and matt talk.

It gave me a small smile, they were laughing and talking about some guy stuff. At the end of their conversation they just did a small handshake and said goodbye. Ross the walked towards me with a smile on his face.

I gave him my biggest smirk to tease him as much as possible.

Laura:sooooo, you and matt are besties now? (I giggled)

He just rolled his eyes playfully at me as he circles his arm over my shoulder

Ross:he's actually a really cool guy, do you know he's into music?

I just giggled at his knowledge

Laura:yes, i've been his cousin for forever. (I said teasingly)

Ross: lets just head home, i miss our balcony moments.

Laura:we just had one last night (i giggled).

Ross:well i want more, so lets go (he chuckled)

I just hugged his waists with one of my arm as we said goodbye to everyone. Finally got into the car, i drop my head on his shoulder. Dad drove away to the horizon as ross stares blankly at his window.

I nudged him slightly and he looks down to me.


Laura: nothing, its a long ride home, you should at least talk to me.

Ross: (he sighed in a fake way) do i really have to?

I then slapped him on the chest and gave him a stern look.

Ross:im joking, what do you wanna talk about?


Ross' pov

Finally home, laying in bed, just staring at the ceiling.

Ross:gosh, i miss Laura (i said to myself)

The last time i saw her was just 3 minutes ago, and i already miss her. I looked over to her balcony but her curtains were closed, preventing me from seeing her.

She has this effect on me. Like a drug or something. I need her, ......and i hope she needs me.

Ughhh i cant take this anymore. I stood up from my laying position and went out my balcony. I walked to the edge and jumped over to her side.

I knocked slightly on her glass doors and in a spit second, the curtains unblocked them.

Laura mouthed the words "what?" And i just motioned her to open the door, which she did after a while.

I walked in by myself and flopped on her bed

Laura:come in i guess. (She teases)

Ross: watcha doing?

Laura:still unpacking. What are you doing here?

Ross:what? I cant be with my girlfriend?

She just smiled and bit ,but crossed her arms

Laura:you just saw me like a minute ago.

Ross:actually its been 5 minutes and 23 seconds.

She then giggled slightly and furrowed her eyebrows at me

Laura:you counted?

Ross: yup.


Ross: cuz i have nothing to do when you're not around. So i just count how long till i meet you again.(i say while standing up)

I was smirking as i wrap my arms around her waists.

Ross:and besides. You girls dig that right? Small romantic gestures (my smirk got bigger)

Laura: well it is really sweet (she smiled as she wraps her arms around my neck)

I gave her a cute cheeky smile as she just stares at me.

Laura: prom is almost coming.

Ross: is it? Then i better go find a date then. (I teased)

My joke probably wasnt the best as she glares at me as i chuckled.

Ross: im joking, you know i already asked you when we were still bestfriends a few weeks ago.

She rolled her eyes playfully while sighing.

Laura:can you not bring that up?

I chuckled

Ross:bring what up?

Laura: bring up that we were just bestfriends a few weeks ago and now we're a couple.

Ross:(i furrowed my eyebrows) why?

Laura:cuz......its.....kinda weird.

I find it funny that she's still awkward. And i would love to tease her when i get the opportunity.

Ross: im inlove with my bestfriend (i smirked as i chuckled teasingly)

She rolled her eyes and removes my arms from her waists. She didnt say a word cuz i know she's annoyed.

She went to jer bags and started unpacking again.

I just continued chuckling as i hug her waists from behind. I leaned my head on her ear and whispered.

Ross:i love you bestfriend (i chuckled)

She sighed and turned around to face me.

Ross: i loooooove you. (Smirking &chuckling) do you love me? Bestfriend?

Laura:I prefer girlfriend now.

I leaned closer and lifted her chin higher. Only tapping the bottom part of her chin to motion it to go up.

Laura: that was a pretty 'player move' (she smirked)

I moved closer till there was no more space between our bodies. I made our foreheads touch and just stared at her lips. I then started leaning in.

Laura: we have school tomorrow (she giggles)

Her words causes me to stop leaning. I leaned backwards.

Ross:way to ruin the moment bf.

Laura:oh please, like we were having a moment. (She said proudly)

Ross:what?! We were!

She just giggles and unwraps my arms.

Laura:help me unpack. And you might receive a reward (she winked)

I just sighed grumpily.



Ill post another chapter in a few. So comment and vote as much as possible now ^.^

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