Chapter 44 Approved?

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Ross' pov

Here I am, in the burrowed hole i've been standing on for what seems like hours, trying to recall what Damiano just said.

Damiano: well?

It wasn't insulting, it didn't looked forced. There was a small polite smile hardly noticeable on his face. Then I was zoned back to reality, thinking how rude I am staring out to space.

Ross: umm....

I looked to laura and her face was just blank, expressionless. Probably waiting for me to just come in and have dinner with them.

Ross: I guess I could....stay....for dinner. (I laughed awkwardly)

Both their faces seemed to light up at the same time.

Damiano: fantastic! Come on

Damiano then went inside and I stared at Laura as she just smirked. I come over here and she leads me inside, as she did, I whispered in her ear saying..

Ross:who daheck was that?

I heard her giggle as she just leads me to the dining room.

Laura:thats my dad . (She whispers back)

Ross: yeah right. (I joked)

We bumped into Vanessa and Ellen when we reached the kitchen, vanessa was texting on her phone as Ellen was putting some food bowls on the table.

Ellen's face lit up as she saw me. Thats one parents approval.

Ellen: oh hey Ross, glad you could join us. (She smiled) take a seat we're about to eat.

I just politely nodded with a slight smile as me and laura took a seat. I took the seat next to Laura and across Vanessa cause that seemed like a safety zone.

Momentarily Ellen and Damiano took their seats. As the dinner started I couldnt help but wonder what went wrong with Damiano....

Ellen: so Ross, since when did you and laura came back together?

I suddenly glanced at laura and she just gave me an assuring smile. I also glanced at Damiano for a split second.

Ross:uh....about a week ago....I think.

Vanessa: yeah he was in laura's ro- OUCH!

I saw laura's face and it seemed likt she kicked her under.

Laura:ROmance-Drama club (she awkwardly laughed)

Ellen: oh well thats nice, getting to be more active in school I see.

I could also sense the dread locked eyes of laura's father on me. Gosh when did laura even tell them we were dating again? It seemed like he invited me over to play a staring game or something. What is it with daughters and overprotective fathers?!

I kept eating, the same pace as laura so that it wouldnt be awkward to finish first or to finish last. Gosh I just hate those moments when you finish first, and all you can do is like take small sips of water from your glass till everyone was.

Half-way through dinner, Damiano kept asking me questions, not in a rude or strict way. Like the way you would talk to your friend whom you just met. I dont know if I should keep my guard up or be happy that he's being nice to me.

Damiano: So you planning on going to collage?

Without hesitation I answered

Ross: definitely Damiano. But im still kinda struggling on what course to take.

Damiano: well just enjoy your highschool life right? Dont worry, the rest will come

Everyone smiled at his notion because we pretty munched all agreed.


End of dinner and I was smiling right now, like an idiot lost in space. Laura made me stay a little in their living room. Im not surprised that they left us alone now. finally approved. By both her mom and dad.

It all happened so quickly, but right after dinner, Damiano's words struck me when he said "Im glad you're with my daughter, take good care of her"

It kept repeating itself all over my head. And thats a promise I will never EVER break.

I had my arm around her as we were snuggled up in her couch. She was checking her newsfeed as I just stared down at her. I saw as she chatted Raini about certain stuff that I shouldn't even be reading, so I stopped and just played with her hair.

Ross: your hair is so soft....

Laura:oh please, you put more hair products on than I do.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her truthful statement.

Ross: its called physical appeal laura.

She locked her phone and looked up at me with a smirk.

Laura:just make sure all that physical appeal is for me.

I neared my face to hers mirroring the smirk on her face. Only 1 inch away from a kiss.

Ross: oh dont worry, its all.....for you.

Her eyes dazzled like a thousand gems to me. Like stars gleaming through a dark shade of navy blue skies.

Laura: good.

We kept this locking eyes thing for another 30 seconds and thats when my phone started vibrating, oops forgot to tell my parents I ate dinner here

I backed away and checked my phone.

Ross: hey its my mom, I need to get home.

Laura:(she giggles) you live like 10 feet away from here.

Ross: yeah....kinda forgot to tell her.

She rolled her eyes and even it was a teasing way it still caught me.

I made a quick peck on her lips, not romantically, but a casual thing in a relationship when saying a short goodbye.

Ross: i'll you later in the balcony perhaps?

She smiled

Laura: ross its, 9:30 pm.

Ross: awesome, meet you there at 10pm. (I winked)

And thats when I thanked her parents and went off.

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Story almost over? Hmmm not quite. Few more things to happened ;)

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