Chapter 39 Romeo Oh Romeo

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Laura's pov

Days have passed since ross and i decided to just stay as friends for a meanwhile. But ever since that night, i feel like he's been trying to do everything to win me back.

Ok to be honest, yes, its working. But not as you think. He never lost me. He never really needed to win me back cuz i never stopped loving him.

I just needed a part of me to go back to where it used to be. A nerdy school girl who can prove to not only her father but to everyone who thought less of her after dating a bad boy.

I was fixing my locker before heading home. I smiled thinking of all the great things that happened today. Like in chemistry class, me and ross paired up to do the experiment.

Our beakers ended up spewing green sticky slime on my lab gown. But i just laughed it out. We got an A+ , and our professor explained that it was suppose to happened.

As i close my locker, i jumped a little seeing ross leaning next to it.

Laura: what?

He had his slight smirk that gosh i hated but oh so loved.

Ross:ready to go home?

I rolled my eyes playfully and passed by him while giggling.

Ross:hey wait up (he said while catching up to me)

Laura:(i giggled) ross i thought i set some rules.

Ross: oh come on, we'll just be walking hooooome (he trailed off). And besides, i cant really stand being at least 5 feet away from you.

I rolled my eyes playfully as I continued walking with him beside me, not bothering the looks we received from people.

We have just exited the school gates and we were all alone. I kinda missed this moments, the moments where we would walk home together, even thou he has a car. We liked the time spent just passing through random houses back home. are you?

He has really lowered down with the small talk lately. I just stayed as my perky self even if this was kinda awkward in a way.

Laura:im fine i guess, you?

Ross: im fine...still kinda heartbroken thou. (He says teasingly)

I stopped in my tracks and gave him a look. He looked back to me and raised his hands up in surrender.

Ross:kidding kidding.

I knew for the fact that he was kidding, but not 100% if you know what i mean.

We started walking again and i couldnt help but bring up the topic.

Laura: miss me?

Ross:what? (He furrowed his eyebrows)

Laura:miss me?(i repeated) as you miss a ....girlfriend?

He looked at the road with a slight smile, not knowing if it was real or not. But the odds are it is. He looked hesitant but then our eyes met.

Ross: of course i do. Is that even a question? (He chuckles)

The answer made me smile and feel all funny inside. I also did too miss him. Not because he went away. No not physically, but emotionally.

Laura: just wondering thats all..


At home, keeping my curtains wide open now, sitting at my bed as i constantly check what ross' is doing on the other side of the balcony.he was just staring at me. Leaning on the edge wearing a plain muscle tee that really stands for its name.

He had a slight smirk as he wont keep his eyes of me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he just tried to look cute.

After a while it started getting a little annoying. I stood up from my seat and i went out my balcony.

Ross:took you long enough to come out.

Laura:(i slightly laughed) oh wait soo staring at me for 2 hours,23 minutes and 54 seconds was a sign for me to come out?

Ross: did you just hear yourself? I was staring at you for more than 2 hours and you didnt even bother to come out? Gosh, what kind of a person are you (he teased)

Laura:well sorry, i was studying. and next time, a simple "hey laur come out here" would be better. (I smirked)

Ross:oh whatever.

I rolled my eyes playfully as i stare at him waiting for his reason. He continued staring at me and it kinda became a game.

Laura:ok enough, what do you want?

Ross: a sleepover.


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I AM SOO SORRY i was kinda busy with holidays and stuff. Hey i have a life outside of wattpad too soo please beat with me guys.

Love you

And a super sweet chapter to follow later or tomorrow

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