Chapter 34 First?

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Laura's pov

Still taking a stroll as our feet slowly sway to walk. Hands held. Me still waiting for the answer to the question i answered.


He flexed his head in a response and

looked at me as if he wasn't listening.

Ross:im sorry, what?

I gave him a 'are you serious?' Look and just shrugged it off

Laura: I said, who was your first girl?

Ross:o-ohh (he stuttered)

He started swinging our hands higher and slower, back and forth.

Ross:you're my first girl. (He said in a fake 'duh' tone)

We were at 10 feet away from our houses so we stopped.

Laura:you know thats not what i mean.

We're both facing each other in glimpse of the other one's eyes as we held hands.

Its been a full 30 seconds since my question and he just tries to smile at me as if he was intoxicated.



Laura:you havent answered my question. (I say in a short smile)

Ross:what question?

Laura:ok dont play dumb with me. Im not leaving here till i get my answer. (I smirked)

Ross:then you'll probably be here for the rest of the night. See ya later.

He lets go of my hands as he walks towards his house chuckling.

Laura:ROSS! (I whined like a kid)

He turns around with a grin on his face.

Ross:what? (He said while slightly chuckling)

I let out a sigh as i approach him. He just looks down at my petite body and i stare without feeling.

Laura:why wont you tell me.....

You can tell by the tone of my voice that i was serious. His smile short,y fades as he lets out a small amount of air. He stares at me as he bites his lower lip slightly, thinking.

Ross:meet me at our balcony in 5 minutes.

And with that he turned around and went inside. I did the same thing after watching him went in.


Ross' pov

Ok there she is. Leaning on the edge of her balcony, watching the clouds. Wearing a pink sexy crop top and short shorts.

I took a deep breath and opened my glass doors to go out my balcony. As she hears the creek sound of the door ,she saw me.

I greeted her with a simple smile and a 'hey'. I took my steps and i motioned her to move away a little. She did as told and i jumped from my balcony to hers.

I then wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we both lean on the edge of the balcony.

Sunset, winds dwelling on our faces as silence overtook the area.i was too foccused on the yellowish orange sky but laura was focused on me.

I peaked to the left with my eyes to see if she was staring and she was.


Laura: so whats your story mr lynch.

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