Chapter 20 Romeo's soft side

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Laura's pov

Staring at the mirror, combing my hair. Checking if i look good enougj for my date with ross.he's taking me to the movies.

Im wearing a blue floral dress that goes down to one inch above my knee, i look hot i guess......i think.....i hope..

Someone then opened my door and i jerked my hesd to see dad

Laura:hey dad.

Dad:a mister ross lynch is looking for someone named marshmallow.

I then giggled. I talked to dad about ross. He learned to accept him after i showed him that he was doing good in class and he always does sweet things to me like carry my books and walk me to school and back home.

Laura:tell him i'll be down in a minute.


He was about to walk out


He then returns to me


Laura:BE NICE!

He then rolls his eyes playfully

Dad:yeah yeah i know......

He then closes the door and i stood up and grabbed my purse.

Ok i have my phone, money, lip gloss (just in case) and other random stuff.

I then went out and downstairs to find ross talking to vanessa.

Laura:hi ross.

Ross:hey cutie.

He places his arm around me

Vanessa: ross is hilarious! He told me this joke.

Laura:he's mine. (I glared at her)

Vanessa:ok dont worry laura -.- he's like 3 years younger than me.

I just rolled my eyes and i pulled ross out the house.

Ross:ok soo there's this thing called 'jealousy' and i think you have it (he chuckles)

I then push him playfully

Laura:not funny. You're my first boyfriend, soo you cant blame me for jealousy.

Ross:well let me remind you juliet that you are also my first girlfriend.

He then opened his car door to let me in. He then got in the other side.

Laura:if you have a car, why do we walk to school?

He then stares at me and realization hits him as well.


Ross' pov

We're at the movie theatre and we were deciding which movie to watch. We were looking at the list of movies.

Laura:what do you wanna watch?

Ross:you pick. I want you to enjoy.

Ok i really just wanna watch the new romance movie......please dont say horror...i hate horror movies.

Laura:lets watch "dead lock grave!"

Oh great, its the new horror film. The poster reads "watch the movie if you dare to have nightmares"

I then chuckled awkwardly

Ross:a-are you sure you wanna watch that one?


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