Chapter 11 Bring me the night

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Laura's pov

I just got home from ross' house. I was in my room just sitting there, thinking about what he just told me.

Im his special girl he was talking about........i dont know what to do.....

My curtains were closed so i cant see if he was at his balcony.

But i need to talk to him........even if i dont know what to say.

I stood up from my bed and took my steps to my balcony.

I opened the glass doors and he was there, leaning on his balcony just reading another romance book.

I giggled and approached him quietly since he didnt see me yet.

Laura: romeo.

He then looks up

Ross:oh hey laur... Long time no see (he joked)

Laura:(i giggled) watcha reading?

Ross: romeo and juliet.

Laura: again? Thats like the 10th time you read that book

Ross: because its soooo good!

I just sighed and leaned on my balcony as well, making our faces inches apart. I was smirking at him

Ross: what?

Laura: im your special girl (i say teasingly)

He then blushes and rolls his eyes playfully.

Ross: stop teasing me. Its not funny.

Laura:awwww have i found ross shor lynch's weakness? (I gasped in a fake way)

Ross: whatever....

Laura:(i giggled )im just joking....., i was just flattered.

Ross:(he smiled) so what does that mean?

I then thought for a while and i stared at the moonlight,

Laura: it means that i like that you like me....(i then stare back at him)

Its started getting awkward. I cant really understand whats happening right now....

Ross: sooo do you mind explaining to me whats this tension between us right now? (He smirked)

Laura:what tension? (I smiled)

Ross: well......You found out that i like you, and i found out that you like that way i like you.

I just stared into his eyes and i smiled.

He stares the same way. Throughout the years we would stare each other with no meaning. But this time it felt different. Why did it felt different? Is it because i know he likes me now........., or is it because i might like him to.......

Laura: i really cant explain (i giggled)

Ross: soo what? We're just gonna let this tension go on for the rest of our lives?

Laura: what do you want me to do?

Ross: hmmmm i dont know...........(he blushed)

He then looks down without lifting his head to look at mine. I was never treated like one of his girls. But what do i do now?....tell him i like him........., risk my chances of love by dating a player.

Laura: for the first time mr. Lynch , you made me feel something today (i giggled)


He then looks back up to me, giving me that cute smile he does when he tries to get the girl. He is really doing everything to get me.........

Laura: what made me so special ross.....(i smiled while leaning my head to the left as i stare at him)

Ross:well......(he then scratches the back of his neck) you're......umm smart.......funny.......cute..

Laura:cute? (I giggled)

Ross: y-yeah.....and pretty.

I loved how he first described me as smart. No wonder he wanted me to tutor him...

Laura: why did you ask for tutoring? (I smirked) and i want the truth mr. Lynch, no holding back ;)

Ross:ughhhh this is soo embarrassing you know that?

Laura:(i smiled) just answer the question.

He then runs his fingers to his hair and pushes it backwards. said.......that your dream guy...........was someone whooo.......loved school as much as you do.

I then smiled hearing those words come out of his mouth.

Laura:awwwwww so you wanna be my dream guy? (I giggled)

Ross: kinda....(he says softly) but my chances are pretty low right now......

Laura:what makes you say that?

I then gave him a confuse look as i wait in anticipation.

Ross:you said you'll never date a player.


Its true, from the very first day i met him, i told him that i'll never date a player. What exceptions can i take? He hasnt been with a new girl for days because of me....., he never waits for a girl to come to him. If he cant get the girl , he'll move on.

But as for me, its been days. He waited.....he studied just for me ....

I cant just risk anything......will i have to test him? ......

Ross:soooo.....ummm i guess.....i'll ......see you tomorrow...., its getting late.

I then focussed on his eyes.

He smiled and was about to walk away.

Laura:ross wait.

He then stops and turns back around.


Laura: come here.....

He then comes back and leans his body forward to me again. My lips curved as our faces became closer .

I tip toed my way up to reach him.......and i place one of my arms around his neck. And for a quick second.......i kissed his lips.

I went back to my original position and was amazed.....amazed on how a kiss for a very short period of time can give you so much emotion

He was in utter shock trying to process everything in his mind. A hardly noticeable smile on his face....


Ross:y-yeah. Umm goodnight.

I then smiled and i slowly turned around and slid in the glass doors .as sooon i was in, i closed the curtains and leaned on my wall with one hand in my lip.

Smiling like an idiot while staring at nothing....,just remembering the moment....

That was my first kiss.



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