Chapter 47 Promposals

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Laura's pov
Standing outside my balcony having breakfast with ross. He got this tray of food brought up here and we ate in silence, which i dont know why.

Laura:sooo........prom is almost coming. (i reminded him)

He kept his eyes on the food as he swallows.

Ross: mhmm.

Ok there must be a reason why i brought up prom. I really want him to ask me in a boyfriend way. He might have asked me before, but that was before we were a couple. I mean its every girl's dream to be in that situation right?

Laura: and.. Umm..

He finally finished eating and wiped his hands on his shirt and then stared at me eager to listen.

Ross: 'and umm' what?

Laura: ohh....never mind its nothing.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me trying to figure me out for a second.

Ross: you sure?

Laura: mhmm (i said with a slight nod)

I kept quiet on most parts of the day, trying to think hard. But no matter what happens, I'm very sure that I'm going to prom with him right?

Just don't think of the small problems. Don't make this a big problem. I keep telling that to myself.


Ross' pov

Me and laura were at the park nearby, we enjoyed leaning our backs against the tree as we watch kids play and run all around. I had my arm around her shoulder because i was trying to know whats bugging her all day.

I know theres something wrong. She's been really passive today. Only answering when I have a question. Sometimes she just nodds and smiles a bit.

Ross: laura...

She directed her eyes on mine while raising her eyebrows at me.

Ross: am I......doing ok?

This was probably a good question. Even if i assure she didnt get it.


Which I was right, i should've been more specific.

Ross: am I doing ok as a boyfriend? (I said in a little worried tone)

Ok so ever since we got back together I have been relationship conscious. As really really really conscious.

As her response , she just nods. Which got me into my emotional state. I looked back to the playground and I knew laura was still staring at me

Ross: if you're planning on breaking up with me now I assure you i'll never see daylight again.

And for the first time of the day, i heard her giggle.

I looked back to her to see her smiling at me. Which Made me relief for a second.

Laura: what makes you think im breaking up with you.

Just a thought I guess. The role of anxiety can be powerful. In ways that I can never understand.

Ross: you've been real quiet all day and.....(i trailed of)

Laura: so if im quiet, you assume that i'll break up with you?

I bit my lip cuz i really don't know how to answer that sentence. Sweet words cant talk me out of this. Or can they.........., ...nope they cant

Laura: ross I was just a little upset for my own reasons.

Ross: which are?

She looked uneasy, more of confused herself.

Ross: look you know you can tell me anything.

Laura: not this one...

Ross: why not?

Laura: cuz it involves you....

And that sentence struck me hard. It involves me? Have i done anything wrong? You wouldn't believe how many thoughts went rambling on my mind by now. I felt like i had a slight headache.

Ross:look if this is about me eating most of the food this breakfast earlier im sorry...

Laura:what? (She gave me a 'seriously' look)No, its about prom...

And that made half of the thoughts reduced in my head. But new ones came along .

Prom? What about prom still like....a week a way I think.

Ross: look I already told you, I turned down 3 girls for you.....

Yeah the girls were the one who asked me, desperate right.

Laura: i know but.... Thats not it....( she trails of)

Ross: then whats the problem? You don't want me as a prom date?

Laura: no, thats the exact opposite.


Laura: i really wanted a promposal. (She cuts me off)

That kinda took me in a slight shock. But got me thinking.

Laura: im sorry if i sound needy or something. I know you already asked me to be your prom date.... But that was just as friends......

Ok now i get it.

She looked back to the distance trying to avoid me eye contact. I grabbed my keys from my pocket and started carving on the tree. She notices me and slowly smiles little by little.

Once i was done, she states into my eyes with that smile that i love so much, that smile that was not to less and not to much.

Ross: laura...., this may not have been your dream promposal. But, i want you to know that I really want to go to prom with you.

Carved on the tree was today's date plus the words " will you be my prom date? -r"

Ross: every couple who will be sitting here will remember this day as the time i asked you......, im sorry of i cant blow fireworks, or rent a plane to write words on the sky. But I do have a key and a tree.....and I hope thats good enough,.( i slightly chuckled)

She laughed with me slightly and grabbed my key form my hand. Engraving the word "yes -L" at the bottom

This may have been the worst promposal
The worst timing
The worst words
The worst way

But at least it was all the real me.

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